BYC Café

I've been busy. Fret went broody and hatched two chicks. She had them off the nest and out and about on day two. First time mum.

The allotment much to my surprise produced and is still producing far more stuff than I can cope with. I'm not kitted out for preserving so I've been giving most of the produce away. I'll be better organized next year (how many times have I said that)
I cooked with the onions I grew and I was in tears just peeling them.
The wild rocket is very strong despite having bolted.
I was mainly interested in saving and improving fruit bushes and most that I transplanted at the wrong time have survived and flourished.
I'll be leaving the parsnips in the ground for a while yet. The ground, despite my efforts is stoney so I'm expecting lots of splits.
I planted late cauliflower and forgot tofence them and surprise, the chickens like the leaves.

We've had lots of rain and maybe just warm enough for the remaining tomatoes to ripen on the vines.
Stareted digging up the potatoes and it looks like a decent crop.

Nothing too deep on the meme front.;)

Seven. There are seven of them!
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Andalusian x (That tail!)
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Baby speckled (June hatch, I think)

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Baby yellow neck (June hatch?)

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Sneak attacker
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July baby (pretty sure it’s a boy…)
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And “I thought there was another one!”

There is no way I’m going to have fewer than 15 birds. Red’s harem is all 1-year old layers that I will keep over, and there are 3 pullets from the July hatch, and a couple from the June hatch I’ll be keeping, and my known, multiple batch a year broody. That means probably keeping two coops going again this winter, so two flocks = two roosters! I’m thinking Red, and the last one pictured because I like the looks of him. He’s good sized , too.
I like Yellow Neck.

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