BYC Café

Good Morning Cafe. Still in drought drizzle yesterday did nothing.
Good luck with the kid Cap.
Thanks Penny, i am encouraged by the fact that she is doing very little drooling. Luckily i think i figured out what the issue was quickly. She is eating better on the bottle. She was used to being fed by Mama, Misty.
So you have a bottle baby huh, how very cool.
Well, yes and no. Takes a lot of time, and after i feed her i have to go back to the house to remove clothes and wash up. Don't want other goats getting sick. Four times a day, feeding and giving shots. Plus she drinks slowly. I need to clean out the barn and brooders need cleaning too. Hubby coming back Wednesday, so i have to clean up in the house and the yard.
But she is a sweet girl. Hoping she is one of the 30% that survive.
Good morning and thanks for the coffee! I am glad that you all are getting a reprieve from the heat. 54F and rain in the near future. I may actually be begging for zucchinis this year!
You can have these. There will be more tomorrow, and the next day, and the next....
I planted 4 seeds expecting none to do well and they've gone mad!
Now if I could get the tomatoes to ripen on the vine...
Hoping she is one of the 30% that survive.
Is that a typical survival rate for goat kids?
I planted 4 seeds expecting none to do well and they've gone mad!
I know the feeling. I'm giving away zucchini's left and right and eating all I can.
I have zucchini boats in the fridge that the neighbor made with the ones I gave her, I have another zucchini fritter in the fridge with some grilled Italian sausage, I'll be making some zucchini with lemon garlic shrimp later in the week and I've been using one in each frittata I make but I still can't keep up!
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

We had a tornado warning last night. Thankfully, we didn't even get a storm. We have a 51% chance of thunderstorms today. I'm contacting arborists to come quote on taking down the widow maker arrangement on the edge of my property. It's making me a nervous wreck every time the wind blows strong. There are three trees leaning at about a 15deg angle up on the branches of a white pine. They are aimed at my shed and solar panels.
It's been a hand wash few days. I'm working my way through all the woolen clothing I wore most of last winter ready for this winter. I replaced all my thermal base layer stuff this year which was at least 20 years old and bought two sets of these, plus another top of the same make.

Thought I would try one of the tops out. Last week the eldest asked if I was still wearing the one I was testing, or if I had changed in the last month.:oops:

The flat is littered with towels on the floor with woolens drying on them.
The flat is littered with towels on the floor with woolens drying on them.
When I was spinning and dyeing my own wool, I used to have mesh laundry bags of wool hanging near furnace vents.

If you put a little bit of hair creme rinse in the last rinse, the "wet wool" smell is a little more tolerable.

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