BYC Café

Little stinkers! Do they have a building they get locked in at night? Wolves?! 😲
They have a house, but I don't shut the door at night. I'm not worried about a wolf coming into my yard. Too much activity, too close to the highway, too many fences, etc. Coyotes would be more likely to cause a problem, but I don't give them to much thought, either. Fox, however, are a different story. Solitary and sneaky buggers that they are. And coons. Ugh. I've never seen a wolf in real time. Lots of pictures, kills, and lots of friends have seen them. They are thick West/North West of here, though. Wolves and grizzlies :oops:

Happy New Year to you all! Onward and upward.
I just finished a 10# batch of higher fat, higher organ content puppy food. Bella and Skittles monitored my every move to make sure I didn't mess anything up and patiently waited to assist with cleanup duties. I gave Bella the big bowl and Skittles the filler funnel then went to the puppy pen for Piper to lick the big mixing spoon. She came over and took some of the food off the spoon and ate it then kept rocking back and forth not coming in for more. I thought, oh great, she doesn't like it. Then she cocked her head and started barking at the spoon. 🙄

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