BYC Café

Good evening, cafe! Didn't bring any coffee, as I must go to bed soon. I'm trying to implement a bed time since, apparently, I'm a toddler and stay up too late. So far, it is having the opposite effect of the expected one: I'm exhausted! Sometimes I wish my mom was here and I could give up on being an adult :lau

@DobieLover Piper looks just fine to me. I am no expert, but like calves and colts, puppies definitely go through scrawny, prepubescent, lanky teenage phases :idunnoIt sounds like a little extra fat won't stick too hard on that wild child :lol:

@CapricornFarm I am sorry to hear about the headaches. One of the worst ailments to deal with, in my opinion. I hope you guys got over them and were able to go to dinner.

Wishing everyone a lovely Friday!
Good evening, cafe! Didn't bring any coffee, as I must go to bed soon. I'm trying to implement a bed time since, apparently, I'm a toddler and stay up too late. So far, it is having the opposite effect of the expected one: I'm exhausted! Sometimes I wish my mom was here and I could give up on being an adult :lau

@DobieLover Piper looks just fine to me. I am no expert, but like calves and colts, puppies definitely go through scrawny, prepubescent, lanky teenage phases :idunnoIt sounds like a little extra fat won't stick too hard on that wild child :lol:

@CapricornFarm I am sorry to hear about the headaches. One of the worst ailments to deal with, in my opinion. I hope you guys got over them and were able to go to dinner.

Wishing everyone a lovely Friday!
Thanks Meg. I didn't sleep much last night, and i did sleep quite a bit today. Not feeling energetic, so i didn't go rock hunting as i planned. Nor did we go out to dinner, had left over turkey dinner which was delicious. So now i likely won't sleep much tonight either.
Thanks Meg. I didn't sleep much last night, and i did sleep quite a bit today. Not feeling energetic, so i didn't go rock hunting as i planned. Nor did we go out to dinner, had left over turkey dinner which was delicious. So now i likely won't sleep much tonight either.
Awe, well that's a bummer. I'm glad to hear you had a good dinner, regardless. What kind of rocks are you hunting? My family is full of rockhounds.
Awe, well that's a bummer. I'm glad to hear you had a good dinner, regardless. What kind of rocks are you hunting? My family is full of rockhounds.
Anything different than what i have collected, and any arrowheads or artifacts. There was a mine near here that mined calcite, so i am going to a stream near there to look for that and maybe fluorite if i am lucky.
My biggest reservation? Our current dog, Freya, does not do well on a leash -- no manners. DH is strong enough to control her, and puts up with it. She knows I'm not, and takes advantage of it. I would have to enforce leash training on any other dog we got, and I'm wondering how it would go.
You need to have all resident canines happy, healthy and well adjusted before bringing in a lump of moldable clay puppy. I have watched Piper watching Bella and Skittles and she is definitely learning from them.
Does anyone have experience with the anti-pull leashes/harnesses? Do they work?
I use a halti halter on Bella and it works great. She hates it and has temper tantrums from time to time (in the store, in front of everyone, just to make me look like a dog abuser) but get over it in about 15 seconds and we're on our way again.
It sounds like a little extra fat won't stick too hard on that wild child :lol:
Still. I'll give it a try. Kicking her up to 12.5% of her body weight for meals with the current batch of food makes her look she's an anaconda after she's done eating. No playing after those meals. She has to nap and digest for an hour before I'll let her play with big sister.
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

It's amazing what a difference high wind and 1 degree feels like vs. no wind and 39. I was out pottying the dogs in bare feet in my coop shoes and a thin short sleeved tee shirt and it felt great.
I saw a funny post on FB yesterday that read something like "Yeah you're acting all cute and warm today like you weren't trying to KILL us all last week".
Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL!

@Sally PB I have used the no-pull harnesses where the leash attaches to the front and they seem to work fairly well - when the dogs pull they swing to the side and that annoys them so they don't pull as hard. Sounds like your DH needs a little training too 🤣 Another thing that can help is using a longer training leash. We have a 33ft one and the weight of the leash keeps pulling minimal - however, these are not so good if you have a hyper dog running in all directions (more for a steady puller). They take a bit to get use to, but they're great once you get use to them and allow the dogs more freedom while still being leashed!

It's grey/overcast here and we're preparing for more snow after the big New Years rainstorm - it's going to be a mess! I have booked Salt's appointment for her second shots and microchip next week.

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