BYC Café

Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

Piper passed out early last night and only asked to go potty once at 2:45. Breakfast at 5:45 then played until 6:45. She is dozing off again in the burrito of serenity.
Does she only sleep when swaddled?
Not at all. But when she's high strung and doesn't want to stop, wrapping her up brings her right back down. She slept like the dead on me for about 2 hours before last potty call and into the crate and never made a peep once I put her in. Not until she whined that she needed to go potty. Then right back out like a light until breakfast time.
Bella is in LOVE with her puppy!
That she is! And she is so very tolerant of Piper randomly chewing on her. Being a mom three times must have taught her immense patience with puppies.

Skittles on the other hand... Nope. No friggin' way. Keep that thing away from me!
And every time Skittles hits the floor when Piper is out, she makes a bee line for him and tries to play with him. He then makes a bee line for the couch.
Hello all! I’m new here only a few days. I had chickens 4 ever ago. I just got some this past June. Really enjoying them. We retired about 4 years ago. I recently got a part time job. We have 2 rescue cats and 2 chickens, ( getting more soon) Looking forward to getting to know you all.
Hello Sonflowerjoela.:frow

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