BYC Café

Speaking of dinner ...
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I'm going to start feeding the dogs raw again. I asked my friends that hunt if anybody could give me deer spleen, liver and heart. I got my first set yesterday day and cut it and bagged it tonight.
There's enough organ meat here to go into about 50 lb of raw food. And it's all natural, no antibiotics and fresh!
Looks like you've murdered someone.
It's what our ancestors ate 40,000 years ago. Meat (protein), fruits, nuts. No legumes, few vegetables, no potatoes although, some paleoist, include non-white potatoes.

I went from a Paleo diet to a Carnivore diet after my myocardial infraction. Beef, Bacon, Butter....also poultry, fish and shellfish. Cut out all sugar and carbohydrates. I still have one weakness for sugar....bananas! :lau
I bet you had to run fast to catch that butter.:p:lol:
Late as usual.:rolleyes:
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That's more or less it for the year for most at the allotments. I'm going to have the place pretty much to myself from now until spring. More of the Ex Battery hens have survived over the summer than anyone expected and now getting to the end of their moult, some are looking like chickens than refugees.

Late afternoon as I leave the allotments to walk to the bus stop.

On their way to roost.
grand daughter is 27. Dog has been captured - known history of aggressive behavior. Grand daughter is on IV antibiotics and has to go to a trauma center daily for wound assessment and evaluation. There is a possibility that she will need skin grafts.
So sorry to hear this. I hope she will be okay. I’m sure they will euthanize that dog as they should. The owners should be held responsible for raising an aggressive animal.
Food hangover is right! We did some toddler-sitting today while DS@ climbed his huge crabapple tree and pruned it properly. There is now a nice pile of branches
for smoking meat. We also got some firewood delivered while DS$ went to ...
Wrestling practice with his HS Coach and showed off some new technique to his old teammates. Tomorrow, he is delivering firewood with me for his rest day and then Sun., off to college in time for their afternoon/evening practice. Good thing he loves it!
Sour, I really hope your GD heals quickly with no issues. I am glad other people were there to help!
Enjoy the evening!

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