BYC Café

Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.
We're having quite warm weather. I worked outside yesterday in shorts and a short-sleeved T-shirt. It was in the low 60s. Supposed to go into the 70s this week end. I'm going to wait at least another week before putting the tarps up on the run and add bedding to the coop.
Oddities in the coop.
Found a sprung but clean and empty mouse trap on the floor,
6' from the crate it was in up on the aux roost.
Might need to up my baitage. Bait was gone.
Had a part of a peanut crammed in the metal trigger, which has worked well in the past.
Best thing was that I'm sure it was sprung before it got out of the gap at bottom of crate.
Not sure if it was a lucky bounce or mouse got partially caught by a leg and scampered out with trap attached.
F'ing mouses!
All of it soup. Surprisingly delicious!
I added the sauerkraut last to warm it and not kill the good stuff. Thin apple slices as a garnish.
Good morning and thanks for the coffee! We got the firewood rounds picked up but had to postpone the dropping them off due to a vehicle blocking the entrance to the wood-lot. That was fine because the magpies had discovered a way into the shed where my neighbor has his elk hanging and so I did an adjustment of the entrance to the shed to keep critters out. He was out hunting with his GD, who got an elk, so now there are more tasties hanging. Thurs and Friday have snow coming in and I hope the youngest GD gets one too.
They are very competitive!
I feel even more of an alien.
Yeah? Well, you’re my favorite martian. 😝

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