BYC Café

Morning everyone!

71 sunny lovely degrees here on the farm on a ridge in northeastern Missouri.

My dog chomped hand and arm are slowly improving so I can at least type without too much effort now. Yay! It was my own fault that it happened. Dogs are going to be dogs and two of our cattle dogs have a lot of sibling rivalry going on between them. Varn and Diesel are always testing one another and I made the mistake of having my arm between them petting Varn when Diesel took offense to Varn demanding my attention and game on. They went at one another and my arm was in their way. Wound up with a deep puncture wound and bruising on my wrist and old woman deep skin tears on my forearm.

Diesel got time out.

I got antibiotics and bandages along with a wrist brace.

But I'm feeling much better now!
Morning everyone!

71 sunny lovely degrees here on the farm on a ridge in northeastern Missouri.

My dog chomped hand and arm are slowly improving so I can at least type without too much effort now. Yay! It was my own fault that it happened. Dogs are going to be dogs and two of our cattle dogs have a lot of sibling rivalry going on between them. Varn and Diesel are always testing one another and I made the mistake of having my arm between them petting Varn when Diesel took offense to Varn demanding my attention and game on. They went at one another and my arm was in their way. Wound up with a deep puncture wound and bruising on my wrist and old woman deep skin tears on my forearm.

Diesel got time out.

I got antibiotics and bandages along with a wrist brace.

But I'm feeling much better now!
Oh dear, I hope you heal well! Dog bites are a mess with all those nasty bacteria :hugs
Oh dear, I hope you heal well! Dog bites are a mess with all those nasty bacteria :hugs
Thanks, it's pretty much doing what I expected it to do. Very painful and swollen at first but slowly subsiding.

I would much rather deal with a dog puncture than a cat puncture. I've had more serious skin infections from cats than I have ever had from dogs. The dermatologist my husband sees told us that cat bites were horrible to deal with and he would never have a cat in the house because of the potential for infection.

We love our kitties though in spite of their tendency to try to rip a chunk out of us on occasion. One is 21 years old and has been diabetic for 5 years. We accu-check him 2-3 times a day and he's one of the reasons we don't mind staying close to home. When we tell people, we'd come over but we need to check our kitty's blood sugar you wouldn't believe the strange looks we get from them.

But yep, our Johnny Cash is a special kitty who is on life #12 or 13 now. Yet he keeps plugging along! And so do we.
Morning everyone!

71 sunny lovely degrees here on the farm on a ridge in northeastern Missouri.

My dog chomped hand and arm are slowly improving so I can at least type without too much effort now. Yay! It was my own fault that it happened. Dogs are going to be dogs and two of our cattle dogs have a lot of sibling rivalry going on between them. Varn and Diesel are always testing one another and I made the mistake of having my arm between them petting Varn when Diesel took offense to Varn demanding my attention and game on. They went at one another and my arm was in their way. Wound up with a deep puncture wound and bruising on my wrist and old woman deep skin tears on my forearm.

Diesel got time out.

I got antibiotics and bandages along with a wrist brace.

But I'm feeling much better now!
Good news on the bite getting better!
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

I managed to wash and hang 2 loads of clothes, run the dogs, mow the lawn (ours and the chickens), clear all the tools off the porch and leaf blow it, take the old wheels off the trailer and drop them off with the new wheels to the garage for a swap out, completely clean the car and start packing it, dumped and hosed out the two stuffed full doody buckets in the coop :)sick), gave butt baths to 4 hens (followed by a nice hot shower) and cleaned the house.

Today, the dogs will get another run, Bella will get her ears clipped and both will get baths before I clean the house and we hit the road. I really need a vacation now!
I asked the cabin owner about places to run the dogs off leash and quaint quiet family owned places that serve good food. He wrote that he has 180 acres for the dogs to run on and gave me a long list of places to go and things to do and see when we get there!
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