BYC Café

Hubby wants to get welding equipment "for our anniversary." (We always rationalize a large expenditure as a Christmas or Anniversary or Birthday "present.") He asked me what I wanted, and I said some welded stuff would be nice. And a hubby who knows how to weld.

He got the Falcon plow for Christmas. I got a plowed driveway. :thumbsup And a hubby who is learning more about cars.

Well, dear, I'd like an addition to the chicken coop and run. Because, chicken math, ya know... :lau
Started scoping out the aux run improvements.
Have some of the materials I need.
Designing the 'how' partially there.
Nice to have a project, needed a spark, been a few years since I built anything.

This old pop door awning is falling apart.
The chicks get trapped in the under-run due to fear of the eave runoff.
Will add a 'porch', turn ramp 90°, and add a sheet metal roof to protect ramp and pop door.


Kind of like this on the main run, minus the glass panels and roofing will be above run mesh.
Good evening, Cafe. Thanks for the hot chocolate, Shad!

It's looking like spring is here. Still 50° out at 7:20pm! The catkins started coming out a couple weeks ago:

Lots of people wanting work done and even more trouble getting supplies. Everything is going up on price very quickly. Wondering what the year will bring.

Hope everyone has a nice St. Patrick's day.

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