BYC Café

DS! and his family and in-laws all came down with Da'Vid last week and everyone is recovering nicely.

That sounds reassuring. Hope they will all be well again soon.

I've no choice but to back away from it all. I have more than enough on my plate to deal with and have neglected myself and my household for far too long. I'm letting them sort things out.

Might be the best decision, although sometimes a tough one.

Back on zone restrictions with Da'Vid. I'm not sure that a couple of small businesses I know of in the village can survive another bout of restrictions.
There are things I need to get done that imvolve a trip to Barcelona but they're just not possible with the current movement restrictions.

The restrictions here got even stricter as of January 10. Let's hope that it will work, but I have serious doubts seeing some of the neighbours display a rather unreasonable (or is it childish and defiant?) behaviour.

Hi Everyone. I hope everyone is doing fantastic!

Hi @chickadoodles :frow, nice to see you again!

Good morning Cafe. Coffee is on.
DH did a GREAT job with everything he had to do. I'm not worried about him being dehydrated. I hope the procedure finds nothing to be concerned about.
Have a great day all!

Thanks for the coffee @DobieLover , I hope that everything goes well. :caf

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