BYC Café

Ruffles has got a sever case of broodiness.:loveShe had an under-body temperature of 45 Degrees Centigrade yesterday.:thThat's the highest I've recorded. She's been on my concrete floor all morning and is now down to 43 Degrees and looking less flustered.
It's a shame I can't let her sit. She developed a tendon strain last time she sat which has left her with a limp. If she sat again I would be very worried she would just aggravate the leg problems she has. She's been a fantastic mother the last two hatches, but she's 7 years old now and rather steady with a fondness for food and males.
I think she'll be stopping with me during the day for a couple of days so I can keep an eye on her. The strange thing is is the door is open as usual so she could leave if she wanted but she seems to know that she'll keep cool here; of course there is also the easy availability of food to take into consideration.:p
Summers like you have can be hard on them!
Dani update: We just got back from the vet's, and after a thorough physical, and numerous X rays this is what we know. Her heart and lungs appear to be fine, but there is a grapefruit sized mass on her spleen. Blood was drawn for a complete screening - we had background blood drawn for comparison two or three years ago. If blood work indicates no major problems next visit is to a radiological internist for a search for any metastasized tumors. If she appears clear we will have her spleen/tumor removed and go from there. We went through the same thing with our last golden, Livvie, and bought her another 1.5 years of good health. Whether or not this had anything to do with her last episode ? ? ? Right now she thinks that nothing is wrong with her, but we know better. From here on it is all about what is best for her - not for us.

Realistically this is no big surprise.
Dani update: We just got back from the vet's, and after a thorough physical, and numerous X rays this is what we know. Her heart and lungs appear to be fine, but there is a grapefruit sized mass on her spleen. Blood was drawn for a complete screening - we had background blood drawn for comparison two or three years ago. If blood work indicates no major problems next visit is to a radiological internist for a search for any metastasized tumors. If she appears clear we will have her spleen/tumor removed and go from there. We went through the same thing with our last golden, Livvie, and bought her another 1.5 years of good health. Whether or not this had anything to do with her last episode ? ? ? Right now she thinks that nothing is wrong with her, but we know better. From here on it is all about what is best for her - not for us.

Realistically this is no big surprise.
Can't like that sour, but I know you will do what's best for Dani. It's that it's just so heartbreaking. :hugsWishing the best for Dani.:fl
Dani update: We just got back from the vet's, and after a thorough physical, and numerous X rays this is what we know. Her heart and lungs appear to be fine, but there is a grapefruit sized mass on her spleen. Blood was drawn for a complete screening - we had background blood drawn for comparison two or three years ago. If blood work indicates no major problems next visit is to a radiological internist for a search for any metastasized tumors. If she appears clear we will have her spleen/tumor removed and go from there. We went through the same thing with our last golden, Livvie, and bought her another 1.5 years of good health. Whether or not this had anything to do with her last episode ? ? ? Right now she thinks that nothing is wrong with her, but we know better. From here on it is all about what is best for her - not for us.

Realistically this is no big surprise.

I'm not surprised you'd think of Dani first sour. Best wishes to the three of you :hugs
Apparently there’s a bunch of examples lol found these.

View attachment 1793703 View attachment 1793704 View attachment 1793705 View attachment 1793706
View attachment 1793720

And the video is hilarious. :lau

Apparently cows and horses sit like dogs.


Good luck with Dani @sourland

One of my keets is driving me nuts with being constipated. Had to squeeze the vent again. I’m keeping this one alive even if it kills me.
Dani update: We just got back from the vet's, and after a thorough physical, and numerous X rays this is what we know. Her heart and lungs appear to be fine, but there is a grapefruit sized mass on her spleen. Blood was drawn for a complete screening - we had background blood drawn for comparison two or three years ago. If blood work indicates no major problems next visit is to a radiological internist for a search for any metastasized tumors. If she appears clear we will have her spleen/tumor removed and go from there. We went through the same thing with our last golden, Livvie, and bought her another 1.5 years of good health. Whether or not this had anything to do with her last episode ? ? ? Right now she thinks that nothing is wrong with her, but we know better. From here on it is all about what is best for her - not for us.

Realistically this is no big surprise.


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