BYC Café

Oh wow that is a big barn then! And that makes sense!! Didn’t think of that. Was thinking if I got goats I would just get wethers so didn’t think of the newborn thing and the good reason for having separate stalls.

Better than a sharknado! :lau
Having baby goats is half the fun of owning goats.
Having baby goats is half the fun of owning goats.

That’s true!! I am sure it is super fun! Baby goats are adorable! I’m just not sure I really want to deal with milking daily and birthing and pregnancy and stuff haha plus I wouldn’t know what to do with the milk.
That’s true!! I am sure it is super fun! Baby goats are adorable! I’m just not sure I really want to deal with milking daily and birthing and pregnancy and stuff haha plus I wouldn’t know what to do with the milk.
Make cheese! :D
Baby goats are cute but mine were a holy terror. Mine free ranged, didn't keep them in a pen. They would jump all over and up on anything around them, tractor, baler, if they could have found a way to get on the roof of the house, they would have done that, too! Sharp little hooves can ruin anything. :old if I can find the pics I'll post them.
Make cheese! :D
Baby goats are cute but mine were a holy terror. Mine free ranged, didn't keep them in a pen. They would jump all over and up on anything around them, tractor, baler, if they could have found a way to get on the roof of the house, they would have done that, too! Sharp little hooves can ruin anything. :old if I can find the pics I'll post them.

Hmmm, I do love goat cheese!!

And hm, true! Goat kids can be a real pain. Not sure I want a million of them every spring lol I think I would pen them though but still. Maybe supervised roaming aha plus I hate dealing with the public :lau

And yes, those little sharp hooves can be a problem! My dad’s old friend from school who lives a couple miles away got goats last year I think it was and anyway, she’s always on FB and I guess the goats have ruined the roof of her shed! They love jumping up there and running all across the top of it!! LOL beautiful shed too but they have torn it up lol I don’t know what kind they are. I think ND or maybe a mix. They are pretty small but I think one doesn’t have big ears. Idk. Maybe mini lamancha? Something like that. Brownish reddish color. But anyway, cute but absolute terrors lol plus one has it’s horns for some reason and is a bully.

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