BYC Café

Just come in from my night rounds.
It looks like the snow has done it's stuff on the top of the mountain and gone elsewhere.:celebrate
Bright moon and not much cotton wool.
Got all tribes tucked in? Time to take off your feathers and roost!
byc sleepy.gif
Yeah probably, tend to do that, sorry about that. But also just trying to be prepared/plan and research as much as possible before getting a dog, any dog. I mean, dogs live for 12 years or more so I would rather over plan and over think now than just go to the pet store or the first breeder I find and buy any dog and then find out the hard way that it’s really sick or too energetic or aggressive with people or dogs or tries to eat my cat and chickens, etc. hence the over thinking, trying to think of everything. But of course the looks part and whether or not people will be scared of it is probably totally irrelevant to anything haha plus visiting breeders and/or researching them online or going to dog shows is probably the only way I will know for sure since I am sure there is a huge variety between dogs in every breed, even if the breed supposedly has certain traits, this breeder’s dogs may or may not, so I guess it’s kind of impossible for anyone to answer whether any dog of any breed will be right for me unless I do my own research. But that said, that is good to know that yours lived with so many other dogs and were fine. Makes me feel better. The stranger thing is slightly concerning but maybe I just need to find a breeder with friendlier dogs or train it to tolerate it even if it doesn’t like it (as long as no one is hurting the dog). And that makes sense. Do you think they will be fine in MA or PA?

I have never bought a dog or cat. Every one of mine have been rescued. Every one has been wonderful.
There are many beautiful things about rescue among which are that the animals personality has been generally formed so you know what you are getting, you don't have to go through the puppy chewing stage with a dog and you've saved a life. And it's a whole lot less expensive!
One of the best Dobermans of the 5 I've had was a black male I renamed Dylan. He was 18 months when I got him, fully vetted, neutered and microchipped. I paid $75 for him. He went on to earn his pet therapy certification and brought joy to many people in the short time he blessed my life with his presence.
I would never consider anything but adoption.
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I'm going to interject my View attachment 1651054. Give it some time Kelsey, you just lost Gator. The worse thing you can do is to go out and get another one right now. You may find a replacement but it won't ever replace Gator. And rushing to get one will only compound the anxiety. I know how you feel but just give it some time.
When I had to put Taz down, it just about killed me, I didn't want to get another dog right away but George had other plans...he just showed up about 3 months after Taz was gone. You'll know when the time is right when it happens unexpectedly. :old

I am so much better, even though i have 3 herniated discs. The Ortho doctor says just call for an appointment if it gets painful again.
Hoping your pain goes down to a dull roar and you can throw those crutches away! Hugs.
Started not to 'like' this but it just means I'm acknowledging your post.
Herniated disc are no fun Cap. Can they do anything about them or would surgery be worse than the pain?
Either way, sending healing vibes your way! :hugs
I have never bought a dog or cat. Every one of mine have been rescued. Every one has been wonderful.
There are many beautiful things about rescue among which are that the animals personality has been generally formed so you know what you are getting, you don't have to go through the puppy chewing stage with a dog and you've saved a life. And it's a whole lot less expensive!
One of the best Dobermans of the 5 I've had was a black male I renamed Dylan. He was 18 months when I got him, fully vetted, neutered and microchipped. I paid $75 for him. He went on to earn his pet therapy certification and brought joy to many people in the short time he blessed my life with his presence.
I would never consider anything but adoption.

Yeah, I have definitely considered rescue too even though I post about breeders a lot because there really are a lot of great dogs that need homes so I’m kind of conflicted. On the one hand, I like the idea of having a purebred so there can be at least some predictable traits and I somewhat like the idea of a puppy or at least younger dog so I can start from scratch and train it my way and not have to undo any bad habits, BUT then on the other hand, not all of the dogs in rescue have bad habits and I do like the idea of knowing their personality already, and of course there are also purebreds in rescue. And of course even with puppies and even with training, socialization, good genetics, whatever, the dog can still end up fearful or aggressive/reactive or with bad habits, or health issues. So then I’m kind of like well why spend thousands when there is no guarantee. But then I have never had a well bred dog or even really purebred so I kind of wanted to try getting one but idk. Our first dog was too much for the family we got him from, got him at 18 months, and he was amazing. Yellow Lab. A bit of a terror at first but eventually calmed down a bit. Got him free. Gator of course was a mix. We did get him from a breeder but kind of a farm/BYB type place, though they were nice. Think we paid either like $400 or $600 for him. Our first cats were rescued as kittens (although sadly his brother accidentally escaped at about a year and never came back). Luna came from a pet store but we think she was returned or something as she was older than they say. Not exactly a rescue of course but no one else was buying her. She was older, a runt, and had a weird walk. And of course Libby and Franklin (brother’s dogs) and my new client’s dog are all rescues and all amazing and sweet, friendly, lovable, trainable, etc. so I do definitely love rescues and know they can be awesome but it’s a toss up for me because on one hand I finally want a well bred dog from a reputable breeder and not a BYB or pet store or wahtever, when I have the opportunity and means to do that, but then on the other hand I love rescues. And your Dylan sounds like he was an amazing dog!! Unfortunately though, my other issue is that there are no rescues here that are that cheap. And they ship most of them up from the south. So here it is literally like $400 to $600 or even sometimes closer to $700 for a mutt. Occasionally you get the $200 or $300 place but the vast majority are at least $400, often $600. So to me, that is a lot of money to spend for a mutt. Not that there is anything wrong with mutts, they’re amazing, most dogs I have ever been around have been mutts, but it just seems like a bit of a rip off to me. Granted, it has it’s shots and is already fixed and stuff which is a big expense in itself so in reality I am probably saving but still. I also don’t like how most rescues now alter little itty bitty puppies, Libby was already spayed when they adopted her at 12 weeks old, and as a big breed dog, that’s bad for her development, BUT that is not a deal breaker or anything against the rescues, most of the transport companies require dogs to be fixed, and most dogs are fine being fixed that early or at 6 months or whatever, so I wouldn’t not get one cause of that. But we also do not have a fenced yard so would likely be turned down anyway as most places require it. Plus most dogs here, being from the south, are pit bulls, hounds, labs, or Pyrenees, mixes. Nothing wrong with any of those breeds but my parents hate pit bulls or else I personally would have no problems with them and Pyrenees mixes are awesome, Gator, Libby, and Franklin, are all Pyrenees mixes, but I do not like the independent streak and whole listen if they feel like it thing. And I realize that I am probably way overthinking this too or that it sounds like I am super opposed to rescuing or something but that is not the case at all. I would love to rescue but unfortunately, it is made pretty hard/complicated around here. :(

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