BYC Café

No, hate has no home here. I simply regard them with distrust tinged with disgust.
I agree, not so much distrust/disgust but they are just an ugly breed of dog, no offense to those who raise them...I didn't even like little/small dogs, till George found me :lau I've always had big/huge dogs.
Wow that's awesome! I would've had a 4 but then I got a B in one class cause I think I forgot to turn something in but it's supposed to be like the easiest class and technically I don't even think I had to take it. First Year Seminar but I had already taken tons of classes and gone to school somewhere else aha the guy was also an English teacher though so i think he took it a little more seriously than some of the other people who teach that class.

Wow cool!
We went shopping dressed like that and acted like zombies! It was so fun. No biting involved though.
Oh and I think goats have more personality too and would be more useful cause they can clear brush, but my parents are convinced they have deadly diseases lol plus the eyes creep them out and I must admit, sheep are cuter in that regard and fluffy, but idk. They don't really have a purpose because they mostly just eat grass, right? Which we have plenty of but also plenty of brush. Plus the wool is kind of a pain. I'd have to sheer them or brush it out right? But then I wouldn't know what to do with it or how to clean it or anything. But they are cute and if I ever got a herding breed, I could have something for them to herd lol cause goats don't exactly herd well, right? And neither do chickens or cats aha unless I got ducks cause they do flock together, right?
You could get hair sheep, no wool involved. And guardian dogs don't need to herd.
I agree, not so much distrust/disgust but they are just an ugly breed of dog, no offense to those who raise them...I didn't even like little/small dogs, till George found me :lau I've always had big/huge dogs.
I think its a guy thing. I am not fond of smushed faced animals but there are small breeds of dogs i enjoy immensely.
You could get hair sheep, no wool involved. And guardian dogs don't need to herd.

That's true but it still needs to be brushed doesn't it? And yeah but I'm thinking of getting a herding breed eventually, as a pet. I was kind of joking if I got one they could have their own sheep :lau

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