BYC Café

Did you see my cat in the shower? 20171015_235541.jpg
Again, sounds like me. Although lately I'm doing good if I manage to read a page before I fall asleep.
I'm doing well, thanks for asking. Spent today dividing my run and pulling my new girls out of the flock. I was thinking that there was a severe case of bullying going on. When I got them they were just finishing up their moult. Now they seem to be losing feathers at a rapid rate and their skin is bright red. The one with the greatest feather loss kept lying down, partially on her side. But then she'd seem perfectly fine. Eating, drinking and moving around without any difficulty. Then I'd see her lying down again. I assumed it's stress from being harassed so much. Digginchickens is suggesting that they could be sick. What illness would make them lose their feathers and turn their skin bright red?

I would check them carefully for parasites, also I would increase their protein level, and I would give them lots of activities to keep them busy so they don't pick on each other.
Morning! Back at you on the good days, boys. Thanks!
Got all of the wood delivered and split/stacked some of a neighbor's pile.
I need to run to town for some paint for the sheep shed...
Hope everyone has a great day!
Hey Margie, Do you have a splitter or do you do it the old way? I told husband he should get a splitter but he likes doing it himself, crazy guy!
I ordered a daughter but husband kept making boys. After 2 that fought constantly i had enough. Still wish i had a daughter.
When my oldest daughter got married this year I gained a Grand Son! Still getting used to that idea

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