BYC Café

Morning! Mmm, that coffee smells heavenly...thanks for fixing us up TK!

Sour, hope your day is enjoyable.

Friday, those stuffed jalapeño wrapped in sausage sound very good. Love the name too, lol.

WV, how are all your little ones doing? That's a cutie in your avatar.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Good Morning everyone. Thanks for the coffee! I'm going to need it, I think I am coming down with the illness that DH had. He still isn't better! Yuck, just yuck!

Overcast and rainy here, but at least it's warm enough to for rain, not snow, so I'll take it! Debating what to do today. I could go into town today, I have acouple errands I need to run. I'd like to take Lucy, but I don't think Walmart is dog friendly, and I'm not sure about the Dollar Tree either. I'm trying to expose her to different situations, with different people. Saturday she went to an Easter Egg Hunt. She was soooo excited to see all the kids and once she settled down, which only took about 10 minutes, she did a great job with the kids.

Or I can stay home and do laundry!

Have a great day everyone, I hope the sun is shining somewhere!
Morning! I would get your errands done so if you come down with the yuck, you can stay home and do laundry and stuff like that.
Pick up some yuck meds or tea or whatever, just in case. Ice cream for sore throats, etc
So we were in TSC after the wrestling on Sat. They had chicks. They had Banties. I even had DH and DS$ there. They are the worst influences ever! We have buy six Banties, get two free Banties in the house now. Plus a 50# bag of chick feed which is what I went in there for anyway. I need more coffee. DS$ is home today on Holiday from school and we are picking up the sheepies from freezer camp. At least I don't have to feed them!

Have a great romp through the fields Sour!
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Sounds like you'll have a fun day

I wish.
Ran 3 dogs in a class of 10 and did not get a place - didn't deserve anything either. It actually was a fun day.
Miss Wiggles it's not like your laundry is going anywhere. Lucy however needs to meet more people and have more fun, and these are her formative months - go take her for a walk, run or doggy dash. That's what I would be doing with her - okay maybe not a run but, slow, long walk
Sour, your 3 dogs are just getting your competition to underestimate them. I always did that when I did my charity walks. I'd wait till I saw the finish line and then released about 5 seconds of blinding speed . Only to discover I was with the very last stragglers to stagger over the line. Not really fair cause people with crutches can get some big strides in.
I spoke too soon about the snow! Thankfully it didn't stick. Took the dogs for a walk and did some cleaning, that was about the sum total of my day yesterday. Definitely coming down with the crud. Hoping I won't have it as bad as DH!

Margie, but baby chicks are so cute! This is why I shop alone, although I swear, even when I shop with my grown children, I'm buying them stuff!

Sour, what kind of dogs are you running? I would like Lucy to get her CGC and maybe do some agility. She's pretty smart, and learns quickly, but right now she is still easily distracted!

Have a great day everyone!
Morning! We have rain and snow coming in for Thurs/ Fri. I don't think much snow accumulation but then? I guess today is the official tax day due to the calendar so Happy Tax Day.

I guess we are going to need some coffee and tea all around a second time.
Mugs up! It is chore time at the Ranch and it is actually a beautiful day for a ride.

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