BYC Café

Morning! Beautiful here, but supposed to be hot on the plains again. My friends from TX are coming in today, horses in tow. I thinks we are going to have a good time! I have to see how everyone is handling the altitude and the change in riding venue. Don't want to hurt their horses..... My girlfriends went riding yesterday and saw this little one....
Have fun! The little one is adorable! :love
Mornin' guys. You know what they say . . . .

. . . . which probably explains all the sand in my shoes.

I'm trying to remember - was it on this thread that someone mentioned the Hostess recall? A couple of days ago, I walked into the kitchen and there was a box of Ding Dongs sitting on the counter. Critter had come across a guy who was switching out the recalled items. He grumbled that they'd have been money ahead if they had just printed stickers that read "MAY CONTAIN PEANUTS" and offered Critter all the boxes he could carry . . . . he took 2.
That is what my husband and I discussed, but decided that all someone had to do was peel off the sticker, claim a reaction and sue.
There are those kinds of people out there, and they have to be catered to.

Happy Saturday in June everyone. Go out and have a great day!
That is what my husband and I discussed, but decided that all someone had to do was peel off the sticker, claim a reaction and sue.
There are those kinds of people out there, and they have to be catered to.

Happy Saturday in June everyone. Go out and have a great day!

What's really fun is that, if I have heard correctly, the problem wasn't Hostess's; it was a supplier's. I don't know that they have even found traces of peanuts in the flour that was actually used by Hostess.
So it is starting out a great day here. DH is out doing tractor work in the heat :/ I wouldn't mind do much if they just worked until noon, but I know it will be all day today. Then thing 2 threw up all over me. She has a temp of 102.4, but the Advil seems to be working she is acting better in the bathtub right now. Then Thing 1 complained that her bottom hurts, where I find a boil....she got them a lot as a baby until I figured out she was allergic to her diapers, she has not had one since I switched to cloth (she is now potty trained). It could be a spider bite, regardless I need to watch it close. They always get so large and painful on her, as a baby I had to run her into the doc several times to have them lanced
When it rains it pours :(

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