BYC Café

Miss Wiggles even a day apart in hatching, the older ones are bigger.  They do tend to muscle  younger ones out of the nest.  Later on they or mama eat any that couldn't keep up.  That's why I keep taking robin nests down  (BEFORE eggs are laid).  I got sick of seeing what goes on- I know it's nature but, they can take their nest somewhere else.
Every year a robin builds a nest on the bedroom outer window sill.   It takes about 3 times of knocking it off before mama gets a clue.  She moved to the next door neighbor this time.

Well, I did not need to know this! Thankfully I can't really see what goes on in the nest. And we will remove it after the babies are out. Mom and dad appear to be feeding all of them, so far....
Button Quail can be kinda nasty too. Ours breed, but when we have a male we feed nature. We take it out of the aviary and it pops up real high like they do and some lucky stray cat or red tail has it for dinner. I'd feel bad, but once babies are born, the male eats and kills them, in that order and then forces himself on the females. Screw em...
Hey Trib!
I was wondering when you'd drop in again.

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