BYC Café

Chicken soup for me. Flu has us here.
Hope you all are feeling better soon. The flu has been really bad this year, even if you had the vaccine. It was only about 23% effective and lower in some age groups. I work in the health care field and have seen a lot of patients who received the vaccine and still got the flu. But, they're saying that it is still better to have received it, since there are around 4 different strains of flu and it may be effective against one of those, which usually starts appearing after the first round of flu.
Quote: So... um, I got the flu the 21 of January then over lapped a severe cold, THEN before I got over it I came down with what the walk in clinic doctor thought was pneumonia... Tomorrow I go to my doctor because the antibiotic did not get rid of it...
Could it be just ANOTHER FLU!?!?!
This is going to kill me.

It's been a month and a half.
I am ready for some oxygen.
FOUR OF THEM!!!??!!!
are they all out at once?
I just, I mean ....
Wow, I hope you all start feeling better! No flu here, at the moment at least. Various things have gone around, but the kids have not brought them home..... phew!
May your days be filled with chicken soup and sleep for your nights!
Hi all

A quick post from me before I head off to town for the day. Just wanted to say to all those feeling under the weather with the flu, I hope you all get better soon. I've never had the flu before, but have seen my colleagues drop one by one in Winter with it, and I'm thankful not to have experienced it myself. Mind you, I do get my annual flu shot so maybe that has helped, plus the fact that I live in the middle of freaking nowhere, and rarely see another living soul!

@tjo804, welcome to our little group. I am sure you will enjoy yourself immensely here, everyone is so welcoming and friendly.

Me, I was laid low with another migraine yesterday. We all have our crosses to bare. I actually woke up with the headache. You know it's going to be a bad day when you wake up with a pounding head. Normally I am a real dynamite - I rush around doing farm chores all day and fall into bed at night exhausted. Not yesterday. I woke up exhausted, achieved nothing for the day, and rarely rose from the bed! Oh well, such is life. Feeling a little better today.

I think it was Moxie (apologies if I got it wrong) that asked about why the snakes were heading to my chicken coop? Probably just to enjoy my reaction when I spot them (wetting my pants, screaming like a banshee, and running for the hills.) Who wouldn't want to hang around and watch that!

The truth is that whilst it's stinking hot outside, the coop is just 'quite hot', so perhaps they see that 2 degree difference between hell's coals and hell's ashes as better than sitting out in the direct sunlight and baking themselves to death. There is also a substantial supply of yummy mice to eat in there (we are in a cropping area, and there is a plague - predominantly in my coop it seems) and also easy access to fresh, cool water. Never mind the fact that there is a creek not 100 metres from the coop, but whatever - apparently my coop is a snakey oasis!

I am really hoping that there are no more in there. It's highly illegal to kill snakes here (even the poisonous bitey ones) so how one manages to 'humanely relocate' them is at one's discretion. Which ever way you do it I can tell you this - it is not fun!

OK friends, I better go and hit the open road. Hubby is going for a job interview today (hoping for a change in career) and I will have to keep myself occupied somehow: maybe a spot of shopping will be in order.

Have a marvellous day!

- Krista
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Hey everyone. Just wanted to say I haven't abandoned you all. Been real busy, but that hasn't seemed to stop any of y'all!

You sick ones get well dangit. Especially 3goodeggs, wow... Too many flues for one season!

I had to read that llama story twice, and I am glad for the pics because I've never seen that.

Thanks for all the anniversary wishes. Had a wonderful weekend.

As far as snakes, I live in the desert southwest near the Mohave, real close to Joshua Tree National Park. We should have some nasty snakes and scorpions too, but I've seen zero in the year and a half I've been here.

Chickens are still sick but getting better. Still no eggs. Chicken soup is on the mind

As far as Happy wife equals happy life, I always say that. Plus, it is a little crude for the pure of heart but this Sailor always says, "I wear the pants in the family, but my wife controls the zipper!". Kant or Schopenhauer couldn't have said it better.

Welcome to our newest edition from Texas. Thanks for joining us. I also like my coffee dark and coffee flavored.

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