BYC Café

This is probably a dumb question but do the kangaroo travel in pairs? Around here if we see a set of eyes on the side of the road when driving and a deer jumps out we go extra slowly because 99% of the time a second one seems to follow.
Seen that some interesting people were posting in here, thought I would find a seat over in the corner and listen in on the chit-chat.
HI all!


Hi Scott, welcome to the club!

- Krista
This is probably a dumb question but do the kangaroo travel in pairs? Around here if we see a set of eyes on the side of the road when driving and a deer jumps out we go extra slowly because 99% of the time a second one seems to follow.

You can't bank on it either way. Sometimes they are alone, sometimes they are in a pair, and sometimes (particularly in the bush) you can have a whole group of them cut across in front of you.

I am quite rural and it's not unusual for me to see a group of 10 or so on the way home from work at dusk. I am on the lookout for them all the time, for my safety as well as theirs!

- Krista
Despite this being a chicken forum, and because my only thought right now is "when will the coffee be done brewing", how does everyone like theirs (when it's not a Milo day). I always drink mine black. No sugar, no flavor, no milk. Just the coffee and a mug. Sometimes an ice cube, because I like to drink a drink, not sip it...
I can drink mine black if I have to, but milk or canned evaporated milk seems to be necessary...and sometimes that ice cube, because I do not sip it either. The first cup is vital, the rest are just for fun.

Hey Scott!
I added the window pic. ...and my bee hive to the interview.

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