Button Quail Surprise!


8 Years
Jul 4, 2015
Today is lockdown day for my button quail! We have 16 going right now, all healthy and growing as of last night, and as I was adding a fresh moist towel near an air vent to keep wet with a dropper during hatching for humidity, and setting up for lockdown this morning I noticed some of the eggs wiggling! It’s gotten my excitement up so much knowing the babies are shifting into hatching position! Wish me luck over the next three + days as I eagerly fight the urge to peek through the incubator’s window every hour.:celebrate
Update! Today is technically day 17, and last night they were all still rocking about and some even started peeping from inside the shells. So I wasn’t surprised to wake up this morning to external pips! There were 6 pipped when I woke up and as of right now we have 9 out of the 16 pipped! They’re all very vocal and I’m sure they’re soaking up the last of their yolk so fingers crossed by tomorrow morning I have chicks!:D
Update! Today is technically day 17, and last night they were all still rocking about and some even started peeping from inside the shells. So I wasn’t surprised to wake up this morning to external pips! There were 6 pipped when I woke up and as of right now we have 9 out of the 16 pipped! They’re all very vocal and I’m sure they’re soaking up the last of their yolk so fingers crossed by tomorrow morning I have chicks!:D
WE HAVE OUR FIRST BABY. Hatched out literally two minutes ago 😂 She or he is bouncing around the incubator trying to find their legs. I checked an hour ago and no zipping had started but I checked five minutes ago and walked in to one chick already done and trying to pop out 😂 Now to wait for the rest!
WE HAVE OUR FIRST BABY. Hatched out literally two minutes ago 😂 She or he is bouncing around the incubator trying to find their legs. I checked an hour ago and no zipping had started but I checked five minutes ago and walked in to one chick already done and trying to pop out 😂 Now to wait for the rest!
Can we see a photo??
Can we see a photo??
Yes! I just left for my night shift job but I already messaged my husband to send me a picture when he’s not busy! Before I left I noticed the chick had golden/yellow color on the back neck area. So I’m thinking she or he may be a golden Pearl just because it wasn’t orange or dark colored much but I’ll know more once the little thing dries! I’ll post a picture asap so maybe someone can help me identify colors!
Can we see a photo??
Never got a photo so I checked first this morning once I got home and out of 20 eggs shipped to us we only had 16 fertile eggs. And out of those 16 11 have hatched! Excuse the fabric beneath them, they’re still in the incubator and I lined the bottom with fabric since it’s plastic, I did it before lockdown worrying that they may get splayed legs or messed up feet. These are just two of the little buttons I can see through the top window on the bator, once they’re all fluffed and dry we’ll be moving them to their brooder!

I’ll be leaving the other 5 eggs in the incubator just incase they’re late hatchers, but they’re the same 5 eggs that looked suspicious when I candles the day before lockdown. I have a feeling they stopped developing at some point but I’ll give them another day or two incase. Also will post pics of them all for help color identifying once they’re moved to the brooder!


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