button quail housing guide


Nov 18, 2022
so i've noticed that a lot of people use improper housing for buttons and tell others to use the same type as well, so i thought i'd share a bit of info from personal experiences.

there are a few "rules" you have to tick off before housing your button quail
1 - sizing - does it have enough space for the amount of quails you wish to house? imo, the base size for 2 quail is 2ftx2ft, but you might be able to squeeze up to 3 in there if you use smaller interior items. from there, adding another 2ftx2ft would be sufficient for another 2-3 quail to be added to the group.

2 - ventilation - does your cage have proper ventilation/oxygen intake? this is SUPER important considering quails are super dusty, and a dirty cage tends to produce a lot of ammonia. a lot of people will say that you cant use bin cages/tanks because they usually have little to no vent areas, but this can be easily fixed! (at least with bin cages) i currently have a group of 5 quail in a 28x20 storage bin (selling them soon!), with two large mesh-covered holes on each side. they are very content. the only issue with glass/clear plastic cages is that the quails tend to get confused, and "glass surf" (attempting to walk through the clear walls, potentially stressing themselves out). i find that if you add painters tape to the bottom of the cages walls, they tend to realize that they cant pass through that area, and spend MUCH less time glass surfing.

3 - decoration - do you want to add lots of plants and decoration to your cage? if so, you should probably get a larger cage. decoration tends to take up a lot of space, and minimizes the amount of floor space your quail actually have.

4 - cleaning ease - are you looking for something you can quickly clean? tanks/bin cages might not be for you. rabbit cages are a great second option, most having a removable tray/overall just being easier.

so what do i recommend overall? RABBIT CAGES! i have a "wabbitat" by midwest (47.16"L x 19.68"W x 23.62"H), and i currently have 7 buttons in it, but i've housed up to 14 in it at once. it is extremely easy to clean, and my buttons love the space to run around. i moved them in it at around 2 and a half weeks, and they've lived in it ever since!

feel free to critique this or tell me about any personal experiences, love to hear em!
so i've noticed that a lot of people use improper housing for buttons and tell others to use the same type as well, so i thought i'd share a bit of info from personal experiences.

there are a few "rules" you have to tick off before housing your button quail
1 - sizing - does it have enough space for the amount of quails you wish to house? imo, the base size for 2 quail is 2ftx2ft, but you might be able to squeeze up to 3 in there if you use smaller interior items. from there, adding another 2ftx2ft would be sufficient for another 2-3 quail to be added to the group.

2 - ventilation - does your cage have proper ventilation/oxygen intake? this is SUPER important considering quails are super dusty, and a dirty cage tends to produce a lot of ammonia. a lot of people will say that you cant use bin cages/tanks because they usually have little to no vent areas, but this can be easily fixed! (at least with bin cages) i currently have a group of 5 quail in a 28x20 storage bin (selling them soon!), with two large mesh-covered holes on each side. they are very content. the only issue with glass/clear plastic cages is that the quails tend to get confused, and "glass surf" (attempting to walk through the clear walls, potentially stressing themselves out). i find that if you add painters tape to the bottom of the cages walls, they tend to realize that they cant pass through that area, and spend MUCH less time glass surfing.

3 - decoration - do you want to add lots of plants and decoration to your cage? if so, you should probably get a larger cage. decoration tends to take up a lot of space, and minimizes the amount of floor space your quail actually have.

4 - cleaning ease - are you looking for something you can quickly clean? tanks/bin cages might not be for you. rabbit cages are a great second option, most having a removable tray/overall just being easier.

so what do i recommend overall? RABBIT CAGES! i have a "wabbitat" by midwest (47.16"L x 19.68"W x 23.62"H), and i currently have 7 buttons in it, but i've housed up to 14 in it at once. it is extremely easy to clean, and my buttons love the space to run around. i moved them in it at around 2 and a half weeks, and they've lived in it ever since!

feel free to critique this or tell me about any personal experiences, love to hear em!
Thank you for this. I am currently 2 weeks in with my first button babies that I hatched (10 in total). Currently they are in an 30x18 tank as a brooder but I need to start planning for their future homes. I had originally purchased a 48 x18 terranium before I actually even got eggs to hatch but am now having some serious second thoughts because the brooder situation has shown me the difficulties of cleaning out tanks. These are house pets only, and in all honestly I figured I would end up being able to get 2 or 3 hatched....and not all ten! 😀 I'm impatiently waiting to find out male to female ratio so I can figure out who can live together and how many living spaces I will need. Of course, they are only 2 weeks old so as much as I stare at them I can't figure out who is male and who is female yet . For some I still haven't figured out what color they will even be. Lol. I am trying to decide is I should buy something or build something somehow.
Nice info. Im glad you said they shouldnt be kept in fish tanks or bins because there is not good ventilation. Sadly many people that own button quail keep them in tanks and although it does look nice it is bad for their health.
My question to the tank thing, is a 10 gal tank sufficient for a brooder box, before I put them in their big enclosure?

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