Bump Next to Eye


9 Years
Nov 20, 2014
Northern Piedmont, USA
Any idea what this bump next to her eye is? I saw the bump maybe two months ago and it has grown some since then. In the past two days it has grown a lot more. She’s 9 months old with no other symptoms.

For those noticing the dark patches on her skin, I made a thread about those a few months ago. I concluded that those spots are simply melanosis spots and are harmless, kinda like freckles in humans.

I tried feeling the bump today and I think it’s on the firmer side, but I’ll have to check again tomorrow for a better touch.

Could it be a hidden pecking injury? A cyst? A tumor? I’m not sure what to make of it.

She has been picked on a lot in her short time here, sometimes one of my other hens will get on top of her and start pecking her. She’s also been in pecking order disputes and goes nuts over anything that might be a treat. She’s a rowdy hen with no fear of man. I just never saw an injury here I don’t think.


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Could be a simple sinus infection. If you have an eye antibiotic ointment or drops on hand treat her with that. An ophthalmic steroid also works.
Could be a simple sinus infection. If you have an eye antibiotic ointment or drops on hand treat her with that. An ophthalmic steroid also works.
I can try to treat for that with an eye spray + garlic, maybe also oil of oregano in water (it’s helped with my own sinus infections). She still doesn’t have any other symptoms.

The bump started disconnected from the eye and as it grew bigger it naturally came closer to her eye.

Thanks for the input.
I can try to treat for that with an eye spray + garlic, maybe also oil of oregano in water (it’s helped with my own sinus infections).

I did all of the above for three weeks, but stopped after noticing minimal change. Her eye condition didn't change much, it may be slightly less now. I'll attach a photo. She still has no other symptoms and is one of the most active hens I have. Shortly after Thanksgiving I stopped the garlic + OOO, but kept the eye spray (colloidal silver) going whenever temperatures weren't going to be freezing at night. However, I think after two weeks swelling might be starting to increase.

I will restart the garlic + OOO in the water. I'm looking into other treatments, such as different eye drops. She let me touch the lump. It's semi-hard. I'm not sure what's inside it.

During this time I have also had to change up their feed since they've almost completely stopped eating the soybeans in their existing, locally-milled feed. Currently, I'm feeding a mix of grains, legumes, produce scraps, and grass clippings, plus the remaining layer feed on occasion. Each hen has around 86 sqft of space in the run. I see them looking for stuff in it even though the drought killed off a lot of grass in the run this summer.

This hen in particular gobbles up anything I put out there, so she's getting a balanced diet. Right now she's snacking on some pineapple and cabbage.
I had a hen who lived to be almost fourteen. When she was six, she developed a semi-hard lump over her right eye. It grew slowly from then on but gave her no problems. Then a few months before she died, it appeared to give her wry neck. I guessed it's roots had spread to her brain. These tumors are called neoplastic tumors. Chickens get tumors such as these and much of the time they live full, normal lives.

If this is such a tumor, it may continue to grow slowly, but at some point, it will likely cause the loss of vision in that eye. The right eye focuses on near objects such as food, so she may need a little help when treats are given out so she gets her share. Other than that, I suggest just keeping an eye on it, and hopefully it won't cause any serious issues for many years.
I had a hen who lived to be almost fourteen. When she was six, she developed a semi-hard lump over her right eye. It grew slowly from then on but gave her no problems. Then a few months before she died, it appeared to give her wry neck. I guessed it's roots had spread to her brain. These tumors are called neoplastic tumors. Chickens get tumors such as these and much of the time they live full, normal lives.

If this is such a tumor, it may continue to grow slowly, but at some point, it will likely cause the loss of vision in that eye. The right eye focuses on near objects such as food, so she may need a little help when treats are given out so she gets her share. Other than that, I suggest just keeping an eye on it, and hopefully it won't cause any serious issues for many years.
I'll look into that, thanks.

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