
Mrs. Mucket

9 Years
May 3, 2010
Pacific Northwest
Does this look like bumblefoot? Something else? What do you recommend? Sorry I couldn't get a better picture of the pad of her foot. There's a spot that looks scabby. You can see in the second pic her foot looks webbed from the extra flesh.

She's 6-7 months old, second generation from Freedom Ranger parents, active and acting normal otherwise. I think she's been laying eggs. I've never seen this before and no one else in the flock seems to have any problems.



ETA: I know the leg band looks tight from the front in this pic but it moves easily. That was one the first thing I checked.
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Not much, and she still runs to us when she sees us coming (you know, in case we have snacks). After I noticed her lumpy foot I watched and could see she limps slightly, but all my FR hens kind of waddle.
I haven't seen bumblefoot in person, but from all the pictures I have looked at on here, I would say that's what it looks like to me. There was a good thread with pictures on how to take care of it on here somewhere. Do a search and I am sure it will come up.
don't always assume bumble, but soaking it in epsom salt water would be a start, then you will be able to get a good look at it- what i have done is to put a poultice of sugar and betadine on it, wrapped in vet wrap, change it out daily for a few days- then soak it again, that will soften it, massage the area , gently look at the scab and see if you can remove it, don't cut it, sometimes spraying it with bactine is helpful while you do this, by pressing the area next to where the scab was it should pop out- make sure to get any you can see and pack it with neosporin- i had issues this summer with quite a few of mine and that is the method that worked the best- i also discovered holding the bird wrapped in a towel with the feet sticking out, holding the bird like a football...
Thank you all, I will start treating her tomorrow. Bloom_ss, thanks for the link--I don't know why I didn't find it in my search.

Meanwhile is there any problem eating eggs of a hen with bumblefoot? And if we decided to cull her (she was marked as a potential keeper but we are culling next week)--can we or our dogs eat the meat?
bumblefoot wouldn't normally be a culling issue, it just an infected sore- like if you had an abscessed splinter... i have never restricted egg use from any of my bumble patients...
No need to cull her, it's just a staph infection. (similar to an infected sliver on us) No problem eating her eggs either. Do the surgery and get the plug out, apply neosporin, and wrap the foot so it can heal and further bacteria doesn't get in it while it's still an open wound. Sterilize all tools used in rubbing alcohol before doing the surgery.

I haven't had a full case of bumblefoot, but I did have 2 hens limping. I was able to get goo out, but not a plug. They have healed fine.

This thread is great too:

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