

In the Brooder
Oct 24, 2015
I have a chicken that most definitely has bumblefoot (swollen foot with a black scab and puss coming out after soaked). After discovering this I went and checked my other chickens and there are a few others who also have black scabs on the bottom of their feet but there is zero swelling and they are not lame. All my chickens (even the one that has bumblefoot) are laying and appear to be very happy. Could this be something other than bumblefoot?
Having been through this, I truly feel that what you're describing is bumblefoot.
I took care of my Pearl's problem myself and it has not recurred.
it's contagious to your other birds and us humans, as it's a staph infection.
Left untreated, the infection will spread throughout the bird's bones and tendons causing much pain and eventually death.
Treat all of your birds (that have the scabs) for bumblefoot and disinfect the coop, roost bars, etc.
Good luck.
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I did do surgery on my one bird that had a swollen foot but when I cut out the scab there was very little behind it. I bought Tricide-Neo and soaked one of my other girls feet today. She is my test case to see if that will work.

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