Bumblefoot! I really need help


Jul 10, 2017
I have a hen with two patches of bumble foot, or I think it’s bumblefoot. It’s two blackish brownish scabs on her foot. I haven’t had this happen two one of my chickens before, what should I do???? Please help!

the the first one, right beside her back toe is the above picture..
the below picture is the second scab, on the bottom of the center of her foot.
I know it’s hard but can we get a better pic of the bottom of the foot. I can’t see whether it is swollen or not. Both of these are on the same foot?
What breed is your bird? What climate are you in? What do you feed?
It looks like footpad dermatitis to me. Is this bird in wet bedding a lot or a rock/sand substrate? Do not pick at the foot until we figure out better what this is.
The one on the back of the foot is in a strange place, like it’s coming from her roost.
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]I know it’s hard but can we get a better close of the bottom of the foot. I can’t see whether it is swollen or not. Both of these are on the same foot?

both on the same foot, neither are swollen

What breed is your bird?
buff orpington
What climate are you in?
canadian summer, so pretty warm
What do you feed?
mix of grains and comercial feed and grass and table scraps
It looks like footpad dermatitis to me. Is this bird in wet bedding a lot or a rock/sand substrate?
nope. the bedding is dry, and there is a little patch of rocks in my yard but the hens are mostly on the grass.
Do not pick at the foot until we figure out better what this is.
The one on the back of the foot is in a strange place, like it’s coming from her roost.
i have a big branch nialed into the coop for a roost, i'll replace it with a two by four
I think these may be scrapes.
Buffs are heavy hens, they can bruise themselves from jumping from high heights. I suspect this is not a thorn or foreign body. The one on the bottom of the foot looks shallow? Sorry..I can’t see it very well. Looking at your roost situation, the height of the roosts or anything she’s jumping off of, and any substrate she may be getting into that would scrape her feet would be my first step. Make sure her feet aren’t constantly wet.
If the sore looks shallow (vs there is a foreign body in the pad), and there is no swelling the best thing is to leave it alone and watch for swelling. The scab may take a long time to slough off. Also, the scab may turn into a callous at some point so if that happens we take another direction.
Feeding a good diet with vitamins (the commercial feed) is important for foot health.
Try to keep the buff at a healthy weight, the heavier she is the worse the problem.
If you think it looks like there is a foreign body under that scab we Take another treatment direction.
My one bird (a buff o) that has bumblefoot has more of a chronic inflammation of one of her footpads that causes scabs. No foreign body there.
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I think these may be scrapes.
Buffs are heavy hens, they can bruise themselves from jumping from high heights. I suspect this is not a thorn or foreign body. The one on the bottom of the foot looks shallow? Sorry..I can’t see it very well. Looking at your roost situation, the height of the roosts or anything she’s jumping off of, and any substrate she may be getting into that would scrape her feet would be my first step. Make sure her feet aren’t constantly wet.
If the sore looks shallow (vs there is a foreign body in the pad), and there is no swelling the best thing is to leave it alone and watch for swelling. The scab may take a long time to slough off. Also, the scab may turn into a callous at some point so if that happens we take another direction.
Feeding a good diet with vitamins (the commercial feed) is important for foot health.
Try to keep the buff at a healthy weight, the heavier she is the worse the problem.
If you think it looks like there is a foreign body under that scab we Take another treatment direction.
My one bird (a buff o) that has bumblefoot has more of a chronic inflammation of one of her footpads that causes scabs. No foreign body there.
whats a healthy weight for buff orpingtons?

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