Bulb Wattage for Incubator


9 Years
Aug 11, 2014
For an incubator with dimensions 1.5ft x 1.5ft x 2.5ft, what is the recommended wattage for the bulb as as heater? Any guide/reference?

Are you using a thermostat?
What is the construction, foam, wood, plastic?

If it's well insulated, indoors and using a thermostat a 60-75 watt bulb will work, but I would use two 40 (or 60 watt) watt bulbs, that way if one burns out you have a backup that will maintain temp... You can also use a larger wattage, especially if it's opened and closed a lot or not well insulated...

If you are talking some unregulated design well that is nothing but trial and error...
Thanks for your input. Below are additional info.
  • I'll be using electronic thermostat
  • Construction material: wood
  • With insulation
  • from Philippines
I would as I said start with two 40 watt bulbs and see how it goes, and upgrade to two 60 watt bulbs if it seems like it takes too long to heat up after you open it... Again I suggest two bulbs so that there is redundancy if one goes out... Either way it's not like swapping out a few light bulbs is expensive or hard...

My tossed together hatcher is a 20" x 14" x 14" foam cooler and a 60 watt bulb has absolutely no issues keeping it up to temp and it regains temp after opening within a few minutes... My light is only on about 25% of the time and only for a minute or so each time, so it's pretty obvious that it's plenty of heat... But, with more ventilation or less insulation you might find you need more heat...
Are you using a thermostat?
What is the construction, foam, wood, plastic?

If it's well insulated, indoors and using a thermostat a 60-75 watt bulb will work, but I would use two 40 (or 60 watt) watt bulbs, that way if one burns out you have a backup that will maintain temp... You can also use a larger wattage, especially if it's opened and closed a lot or not well insulated...

If you are talking some unregulated design well that is nothing but trial and error...
/i have a well insulated thermocol box , it is small but not very small , i dont know how much watts bulbs i should use for it . i want proper wattage bulb because i want to keep it on 24 hrs , plz recommend something

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