Budgie Eggs!

I think I make out 4 little bodies in the bowl. Does mama budgie sit on them and keep them warm??
I only hatched out pigeons, and mama and papa pigeon both do the parenting on their little hatch-lings together.
There are actually only three! Aaaaaaand mama should be sitting on them but she doesn't now (she did for the first few crucial days) and it is a bit problematic. But the place I live in is pretty hot so even if she doesn't warm them, they'll be fine (I hope) And yes! Papa mama both do the parenting. Here's some info on budgie breeding then -
1. Papa mama both need to be more than a year old to breed or else they can have infertile eggs, unhealthy chicks, just be a bad parent or the worst, they can kill the babies out of frustration. So this is a very important step!
2. Nesting box should be provided (clay pot also works) and should be hanged on the very top of the cage, never down!
3. They need a good diet of veggies, fruits, eggs, soft food, pellets and seeds! Cuttlefish bones and mineral blocks are important!
4. They should be given SILENCE! If you disturb them too much they can abandon the nest!
5. You can expect an egg after 9 days of mating!
6. Usually they lay about 3-6 eggs but I have had my fair share of over achieving 9 egg layers
7. The hen will sit on the eggs for 18-21 days and then they will hatch!
8. The hen will lay the eggs on alternating days, for example - One on Sunday, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. So this is how they will hatch too!
9. Papa will eat the food and keep it in his crop (crop is where the food eaten by them gets stored temporarily before making its way down) then regurgitate them to his partner. Then the hen would feed the chicks.
10. After like 30 days they will leave the nest box. Though they will still demand food from the parents, they will eat more and more on their own!
11. Also NEVER EVER let a female or male have another consecutive clutch. I know having 2 consecutive clutches is okay and all but it is a big strain for them so I never ever do it! And a female should never breed more than 2 times a year!

That's what I can tell y'all about budgie breeding! I should create a different thread for this bye -
The first one will be a yellow based budgie as the tips are very yellow-y now. It is also opaline as the tips would've been black instead of yellow if it was normal. That also means that its a girl, woohoo!🤸‍♀️💃
Today there was a storm in my area and many branches dropped from the trees. I was out in the rain (yes I was having fun ;D) and noticed the branches. They looked so pretty so I took some of them (the non toxic ones to budgies) and created a tree like feeling in their cages. I gave them 2 branches which divide into many. There is one thick branch for sleeping and at least 10 other smaller thin branches for playing (they don't play with their toys now for some reason) and it looks really pretty! I will give the pics tomorrow! And the babies are also fine!
Today there was a storm in my area and many branches dropped from the trees. I was out in the rain (yes I was having fun ;D) and noticed the branches. They looked so pretty so I took some of them (the non toxic ones to budgies) and created a tree like feeling in their cages. I gave them 2 branches which divide into many. There is one thick branch for sleeping and at least 10 other smaller thin branches for playing (they don't play with their toys now for some reason) and it looks really pretty! I will give the pics tomorrow! And the babies are also fine!

This is my "mature-female-they will start mating-oh no!" cage. I clicked this while cleaning their cage. The sticks look pretty! And they're having fun destroying it💀
Do you ever let them free-fly inside home?? When I was about 12 years old, my parents got a pair of these parakeets. We did not refer to them as Budgies, just parakeets. Their cage door was always open, and they used to fly around inside house. Then they would return back into cage by themselves.
During summertime, we carried cage and stand onto our porch patio. Cage door was of course closed when outdoors.
One day when were were not there, a cat ( assuming) knocked over cage. Cage fell apart, and am sure the impact scared the cat :gigaway,,,,,, but parakeets tasted freedom, and were never seen again.
Here in Chicago there are feral flocks of these budgies, that survive our cold winters. I suspect, that some are escapees, while others are newly hatched young that developed into adult budgies. There are also flocks of feral Quaker parrots in our area.
Do you ever let them free-fly inside home?? When I was about 12 years old, my parents got a pair of these parakeets. We did not refer to them as Budgies, just parakeets. Their cage door was always open, and they used to fly around inside house. Then they would return back into cage by themselves.
During summertime, we carried cage and stand onto our porch patio. Cage door was of course closed when outdoors.
One day when were were not there, a cat ( assuming) knocked over cage. Cage fell apart, and am sure the impact scared the cat :gigaway,,,,,, but parakeets tasted freedom, and were never seen again.
Here in Chicago there are feral flocks of these budgies, that survive our cold winters. I suspect, that some are escapees, while others are newly hatched young that developed into adult budgies. There are also flocks of feral Quaker parrots in our area.
I tried to free fly them once in my room and ALL HELL BROKE LOSE -
And I have tried taming them but all they do is bite me, some are tamer than others, like Panda who is my buddy but most of my budgies loathe me I dont know why:( I tried to give them food and yk what? That time they did come to me! But then they bit me and flew away. So for now, most of them are kept in their cages with each other. But I am moving out in a few months and I have a special birdroom there so:)

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