Buckhowdy's coop project.


5 Years
Sep 14, 2014

I ordered the chicks before I built the coop. The oldest (8 Rhode Island Reds) were born on Oct 1. The youngest (10 Barred Rocks) were born on Oct 8. I need to finish this coop soon. I have to be at a wedding for a few days. Wondering if I can leave them with food and water for 2 or three days. I might have the coop finished by then.

My neighbor said that a house on our block has raccoons in there yard every night eating figs. I'm hoping the concrete footing will discourage raccoons from digging under the coop walls. If it doesn't I'll add a hardware cloth apron. I'm going with a dirt floor and deep litter. Even though its a lot of work digging the footing, I'm having fun.
If you have to leave them I would definitely have a neighbour or someone drop in once a day to make sure all is well. Good luck on your project - it's a lot of work building these coops - but so worth your efforts when you are done!
Thanks, I'll ask around and see if one of my neighbors will look in on them.

Designing and building this thing has been quite a journey from research, design, procurement, and construction. I can't wait until I'm finished with the foundation and working on the frame.
Love the view! Def have someone check in on them if you can. They are really too young to be left for a couple of days. I am waiting on mine to show up in 2 weeks and we have the same dilemma on leaving them. I just won't do it without someone watching them. I think once we get them in the coop and can get them on a routine where they are out in the morning and are putting themselves to bed, then we can go for a couple of days...but even then I will have someone just make sure things are alright.
We are going to have an auto door, so if the birds delay in the evenings, it might be a night in the run for them!
I might go for the auto door also. Just wondering if it will keep raccoons out. Made a little progress since the last post:

Mixing concrete by hand was hard work but it didn't take too long. I'll make my first attempt at laying blocks tomorrow! I have to thank my wife for helping. She shoveled sand, added water, and guided the placement! Its going to be 8 X 12 with a dirt floor and deep litter. Eggs, chicken, and you get compost too?
Looking great! We love our pullet-shut auto door. Yes, its strong enough to keep out predator. We've had our for over a year and its been worth the money.
Made a little progress today. Never laid blocks before. They are a little off here and there. If the chickens notice, Ill tell them I planned it that way! Its a race to finish the coop before they out grow the brooder.

This one tried to escape when I took the lid off the brooder!


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