Bruised wound in abdomen area


In the Brooder
May 3, 2024
Hello everyone ! My chicken was attacked by a dog 3/4 days ago she has a very bad wound on her back that is quite deep to the point you can see a bit of her bone, the good news is that I've been treating it with Neosporin and saline solution and it looks like it's doing well and healing nicely making a good scab all over , the bad news is she also has another wound near her abdomen, it is small like a little hole but the thing that scares me is that there is pretty bad bruising in that area near the wound.

The wound looks tiny in comparison to the other on her back but even though it's tiny it still hasn't done any healing and it still keeps bleeding a bit from time to time like it's still open even though I've been treating it the same as the other wound there is still no scab or anything....

My chicken looks very tired she practically sleeps all day and can't get up, but she eats and drinks just fine I can see she is a fighter, but I can also see she is in pain from that wound, everytime I treat it I can see she tries to stand up even though she cant...I'm scared that maybe there is some internal damage or bleeding the black bruising near the wound scares me, but her poop is solid and very standard looking and she seems to eat normally even though sometimes she is so tired she closes her eyes and dozes off but then sometimes she is alert...If this is something beyond my capabilities and I can't heal her I don't want her to suffer further, any advice would be much appreciated.
I forgot to take a pic of the one on her back I'll post one tomorrow, this is the wound on the side of her abdomen I just took the band-aid off and cleaned it, fortunately today the bruising is completely gone but its discharging this brown substance... I hope it's not infection because I clean it everyday and put a bandaid maybe I the saline solution is too weak ? And I need to use something stronger ? As you can see the wound is still pretty humid and open I don't know if maybe it needs stitching ?
Can you post pics of both these wounds?
I posted the wound on the side of her abdomen below , I will take a picture of the other wound tomorrow, also to add my hen looks in greater spirits than yesterday she is eating more and looks more alert she also is standing up from time to time, with this I was able to notice she is mostly standing on one foot her other foot may be injured but on examining it further there aren't any wounds and it doesn't look swollen so I don't think it is anything to be worried about .
No bandaid necessary. Clean the wound and apply triple antibiotic ointment like neosporin with no pain reliever to keep it from drying out.

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