
In the Brooder
Feb 4, 2021
My banty broody was off her nest today for awhile eating and drinking and it’s day 20! Does this mean she thinks the eggs aren’t viable? She got right back up on the nest when she was done but I’ve always read lockdown starts on day 18 and they stop getting up. It’s my first time with a broody (and hers as well) and I’m worried she’s let the eggs get too cool or something at this crucial stage. I know they have great instincts and maybe I should just quit fretting. Has anyone had this happen?
JaeG is right, they sometimes get up briefly even when eggs are pipping (if they have to go, they have to go...). It stops accidents in the nest. Also remember that the eggs may well not hatch on day 21, especially if temperatures are cold where you are. I've had bantam broodies sitting on eggs where they didn't start hatching till day 23 and all was well.
JaeG is right, they sometimes get up briefly even when eggs are pipping (if they have to go, they have to go...). It stops accidents in the nest. Also remember that the eggs may well not hatch on day 21, especially if temperatures are cold where you are. I've had bantam broodies sitting on eggs where they didn't start hatching till day 23 and all was well.
That makes me feel better, as it’s been solidly in the low 30s and sometimes low 20s around here. She’s been on them all day today and we’re going into a cold snap, so it makes sense it could take a couple more days. I’ll keep a close eye on her! With it being super cold the next couple of days, do you think she’ll be able to keep them warm enough if they do hatch?
*In my opinion*
I’ll lift the broody off the nest once a day, during the warmest time of the day, to make sure she doesn’t poop in the nest. My Australorps are very trustworthy about returning to the nest. Otherwise I bring her little cups of food and warm water during hatching. Lockdown *for a broody* is the 48 hours after the first egg hatches. I make sure the chicks sip drops of warm water within 5 hours of hatching. *this is just what I do*

That makes me feel better, as it’s been solidly in the low 30s and sometimes low 20s around here. She’s been on them all day today and we’re going into a cold snap, so it makes sense it could take a couple more days. I’ll keep a close eye on her! With it being super cold the next couple of days, do you think she’ll be able to keep them warm enough if they do hatch?
Yes I offer mine corn for extra energy when it’s cold
My banty broody was off her nest today for awhile eating and drinking and it’s day 20! Does this mean she thinks the eggs aren’t viable? She got right back up on the nest when she was done but I’ve always read lockdown starts on day 18 and they stop getting up. It’s my first time with a broody (and hers as well) and I’m worried she’s let the eggs get too cool or something at this crucial stage. I know they have great instincts and maybe I should just quit fretting. Has anyone had this happen?
As to whether the broody hen thinks the eggs are still viable. Put the palm of your hand over an egg. If it feels warm/hot 90 degrees, and it should be under her, then she thinks that’s viable.

If however the egg is cool and especially if it’s pushed out from under her, she probably decided it’s not alive. Mark those and wait after everything that’s going to hatch hatched (3-4 days).

Then you may open up the leftover eggs to learn more about why they didn’t hatch. Can you tell I’m addicted to the thrill of watching a broody with her chicks!? Good luck :thumbsup
As to whether the broody hen thinks the eggs are still viable. Put the palm of your hand over an egg. If it feels warm/hot 90 degrees, and it should be under her, then she thinks that’s viable.

If however the egg is cool and especially if it’s pushed out from under her, she probably decided it’s not alive. Mark those and wait after everything that’s going to hatch hatched (3-4 days).

Then you may open up the leftover eggs to learn more about why they didn’t hatch. Can you tell I’m addicted to the thrill of watching a broody with her chicks!? Good luck :thumbsup
When she’s been on them they are definitely warm to the touch. However, I have found one a couple times that was halfway under/halfway in her back butt feathers and not all the way up underneath her. Accident? Like she didn’t realize it was sort of exposed? Or did she kick that one out and it didn’t come all the way out of the nest? I’ve set her back on them or tucked any I’ve seen that were sort of out and she hasn’t kicked any out to my knowledge. Wouldn’t she roll them all out right now if they weren’t alive? It’s day 21.

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