Broody Hen pecked her chicks?!

Mar 8, 2019
I have a hen who just hatched two chicks yesterday. She has hatched many chicks for me before and been one of the best mommas. But when I checked on them in the afternoon both chicks had head injuries like she had pecked them! They were in a brooder box inside, so no predators. Do you think the hen really pecked her own chicks? One of them has died and the other has some serious swelling going on but is still alive and responsive (poor thing climbs right into your hand). Anything I can do for it? I have cleaned and medicated the wounds on its head, but the swelling concerns me. I will add a picture soon.

I have had only one other hen refuse the chicks she hatched and that was when she got old and grumpy. She would set on eggs but refused the chicks as soon as they were hatched (I stopped letting her hatch anything of course). Does this happen frequently with older hens?
Here's the chick. Less swelling than last night actually. It had swelling under its head last night and its breathing sounded like clicks. None of that today. Able to move around and eat a little. It's little eyes are swollen and sometimes it keeps them closed. Cleaned it up again, put on some vetericyn, and used a tiny bit of apple cider vinegar on its back (not on the wounds) to hopefully get the swelling to go down some more. Will make it some boiled egg yolks soon. It's only two days old now so not starving yet. The more we interacted with it the more it kept its eyes open, but it did get very sleepy.

I have it in a brooder box under a heat lamp. It's been doing a little better so I was able to add another chick just a bit older to be a buddy. It was definitely happy to take a drink when I put the water in. Not a big appetite yet but since it's only two days old that's not unusual. Spends most of it's time sleeping, which is also normal for this age.
The chick is healing up great! A little vetericyn gel everyday is healing the wound wonderfully (love that stuff) and the chick is acting perfectly normal.

It is currently following around a little turkey poult with its little chick buddy. They think that turkey is the best thing LOL.
I wouldn't have the poult with my chickens at all, but it was the only one to hatch, had to live with somebody and also needed some tlc.

The chicks should be ready to go back with the rest of the babies in the chick pen in my coop in a few days :D And the turkey will have some more buddies soon!

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