broodie or sick duck?


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2015
I have 2 Indian Runners girls 11 months old. Been laying now 4 months they lay every day. A few weeks ago one seemed to just get grumpy. Pulls her neck down ruffles feathers when disturbed quacking and complaining. Now 5 days ago she began to go hide under a building every morning when I let her out. Stays there about 3 hours. Now she has already laid her egg for the day before I let her out. Once she comes out from the hiding place in the after noon she eats and drinks fine.
I thought she might have worms so I wormed her today. I thought the loud grouchy behavior when she was moved or herded might be because her legs hurt. She moves a little stiff. No injuries on her feet or legs. A friend asked if I thought she just might be nesting. Which I hadn't considered since IR weren't supposed to be that good at it. But both of my girls came from a good setting Indian Runner mom. But since she is so young do you think this might be the situation.

Thanks in advance
The vocalization, neck down, and fluffing up can be signs of pre broody behavior. It's a little concerning that she is 'hiding' under the building.
thanks I didn't know if this hiding was because she wanted to make under the building the safe place to nest.
Or because she didn't feel well. But its like clock work. She is coming out in the afternoon to eat drink and forage.
The vocalization, neck down, and fluffing up can be signs of pre broody behavior. It's a little concerning that she is 'hiding' under the building.
She was broody. Made her a fancy hidden nest under that building. I put her out with a long pole and help from my dog. Its been weeks and she is now following me screaming her head off still with her feathers ruffled and short neck. Geeze get over it already she is quiet a mouse until she sees me. Then she comes running squawking following me every where like I'm her wicked stepmother.
She is back to laying in her house doesn't try to Set on the eggs now. I think she's holding a grudge.
She was broody. Made her a fancy hidden nest under that building. I put her out with a long pole and help from my dog. Its been weeks and she is now following me screaming her head off still with her feathers ruffled and short neck. Geeze get over it already she is quiet a mouse until she sees me. Then she comes running squawking following me every where like I'm her wicked stepmother.
She is back to laying in her house doesn't try to Set on the eggs now. I think she's holding a grudge.
This description is hilarious.

Hope she gets over it soon!

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