Brooder a-frame 2'x4' size - Project done!


10 Years
Oct 4, 2009
Moorpark, CA
It rained last night and the guilt is overwhelming, as is also the concern for good chick health. Right now 9 chicks are starting to crowd a 2x2 wire cage that is in my run, and its all muddy, wet, yucky, etc etc. Its got a polywood "roof" but the ground is soaked, and so is the cardboard box they call a home! Its got heat lamps but I am going to whip up a quick a-frame brooder for them, with spare parts. for a 2'x 4' A-frame brooder, what height should it be at the (inside) peak?

Its a temporary setup until my new run is complete. The new a-frame is actually going to sit inside a small 6'x6' area chain link run for extra security and because it happens to have access to electricity.
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All 3 sides are close to 2ft as far as the triangle. The only reason the screen is split with a 2x4 is that I had a long strip of 8" hardware cloth and wanted to use it up. Going to board upone end, and am debating just hinging a 4x2 piece of plywood on the 2nd side just to finish it up. I am not planning to install a floor.
All done! Took a bit longer than I thought, and still have to install a hinge/latch for the door, but the chicks have more elbow room now. Though its a bit windy and chilly today so may have to cover the windy side with old greenhouse plastic.
Oh, I like it! So simple, but yet so perfect! You can put it anywhere you want, and keeps the babies safe. I am going to try to make one like that for my henhouse! (I like to brood my chicks oudoors in the large run, but have been using a makeshift divider to keep the big hens out.) I really think you did a good job.
Thanks for the kind words; I have learned so much and wouldn't be this far if it wasn't for this awesome website and all the information out here! I wanted to keep them all together, but one thing, if your older hens can climb on the brooder, they will and then poop on the little ones.

Covered the backside with plastic; its colder than usual this time of year.

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