Broken nail lots of blood


Mar 24, 2020
New Jersey
My rooster broke his small toe nail. Blood got everywhere idk how he broke it but he did. I think he got it caught on his long spurs and it broke. I’ve tried cutting his spurs before but I got too nervous because he freaked out and I thought I hurt him. I was using dog clippers. His spurs are very long and tough!! I put this clot stuff on his nail. He should be fine right?


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He should be ok 🙂 . Make sure to monitor for infection. Maybe put some triple antibiotic on it. Hopefully someone else will chime in, but I thought I read that you shouldn't use pain killers with -caine ingredients on chickens. I think that gel contains lidocaine. I use corn starch on my dog if we accidently cut the quick during nail trims.

Edit to add: I looked up lidocaine and chickens. Definitely do not use the clotting gel again on his foot. -Caine type anesthetics can be very toxic to chickens.
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One of my hens did this. Got her nail caught on something. I heard the commotion and squawking, rushed over and she was hunched up freaked out. I thought she did more damage because of the amount of blood, but turns out it was just the whole nail. I put some blue-kote and A&D ointment (that’s the only ointment I had at the time) on it. She recovered fine. Took the nail a while to grow back, and she did rip it open a couple time. But she was fine in the long run 😊 just check it for infection as someone said above and make sure others don’t peck at it.
For trimming the spurs, I also use dog clippers. Just trim a small bit at a time, 1/8th inch or so each clip. That way, you are less likely to hit the quick, and if you do it will just be a tiny bit. I like the clippers because they also blunt the spur. If he freaks out, get someone else to hold him, wrap him in a towel to hold his wings. If needed you can do a small amount every couple of days until you've gotten them trimmed as far as they'll go.
Yes, broken nails can bleed a lot. Should be fine. As for the spurs, it helps if you can have another person football hold the bird so you can concentrate on the spurs. I hold the foot firmly in place so that when you squeeze the dog clippers, you’re not twisting the foot accidentally. And yes, with one of my boys it’s like cutting a danged branch!! I’m actually going to look into a good pair of pruning shears for that boy…or I may use a dremel cutting wheel. Some spurs you can kind of see through a bit if you shine a flashlight, to avoid cutting too short.. But if you leave at least an inch, you should be good (aka safe)….
He should be ok 🙂 . Make sure to monitor for infection. Maybe put some triple antibiotic on it. Hopefully someone else will chime in, but I thought I read that you shouldn't use pain killers with -caine ingredients on chickens. I think that gel contains lidocaine. I use corn starch on my dog if we accidently cut the quick during nail trims.

Edit to add: I looked up lidocaine and chickens. Definitely do not use the clotting gel again on his foot. -Caine type anesthetics can be very toxic to chickens.
Will he be okay for the day or should I wipe it off right now before I leave.
My plan was to clean up the moood on him and wipe everything off when I get home. Should he be okay for that time ?
Will he be okay for the day or should I wipe it off right now before I leave.
I'm honestly not sure. I think since it has been on a while already it should be fine. I just wouldn't use it again. Is he separated from the others? If not, I would clean up the blood so the others don't peck at it and make it worse.
I'm honestly not sure. I think since it has been on a while already it should be fine. I just wouldn't use it again. Is he separated from the others? If not, I would clean up the blood so the others don't peck at it and make it worse.
The blood is on the roost and underneath him but it’s barely there so I think he should be alright until i get back. He seems fine rn and I couldn’t get a lot on to begin with so I’m hoping he will be okay.

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