Broken Blood Feather?


In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2023
Hey there!
I went to put the chickens up for the night and was looking at their feet (because I am mortified of bumblefoot… so they get checked a couple times a week😵‍💫🫠) and I noticed there was dried blood and maybe minimal swelling on one of the girl’s feet. It looked like the tip of the feather was still in her food but the feathery part of the feather had been pulled out (new chicken mom here, obviously😅🤦🏼‍♀️). Is this a broken blood feather? If so what do I do? She is acting her normal usual self. I assume it happened today, but for all I know it could’ve happened a few days ago. I have vetericyn plus I can spray or should I just leave it alone since she’s acting fine? Thank for all the help!!


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All I would do is spray vetericyn on it, she should be just fine! Also monitor her until her wound heals up.
I do think it could be a blood feather
Wonderful! I sprayed some on her foot this morning! Thank you so much!!
It's a broken feather. Since it's stopped bleeding, you can just leave it alone.

If you wish, you could pull it out with some pliers.
Thank you! Since she is acting normal and not bleeding, I think may just leave it alone. I hate to hurt her even more. But I will keep that helpful tip about the pliers in mind when/if I ever have to go through this again! Thank you!

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