Broady hen and baby chicks


In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2020
Hey yall... I've been at chicken keeping about a year, but this is my first experience with 2 of my hens being broady and hatching baby chicks. I was sick and had the kids and hubby taking care of the flock for about 2 weeks. When I went out to check I noticed 2 of my hens sitting on eggs off to the side. I tried to get close and the puffed up and tried to take my hand off. I knew something was up, I went out that night 3/16 and made an attempt to candle the eggs there were 7 eggs and from what I saw I assumed they were about 7 or 9 days along... i didn't know that the hens will steal other hens eggs and sit on them so I didn't think to mark them... I went out to check on the eggs a few days later and they had 19 eggs together and I don't know what ones are the original 7 and the mommas don't want to be bothered they get mad if I approach them and peck me if I get close enough!!! Well either late Wednesday afternoon or Thursday 2 chicks successfully hatched and are sitting with the mommas and I found one chick dead where it tried to hatch but couldn't get out of the shell it was still under the one momma... they are still sitting on about 9 more eggs together... Is there a chance these other eggs are still going to hatch? Should I just let them sit a little longer and see what happens? Should I try to candle them again or how can I check for viability?
Update: I now have 3 living babies that are doing well and 1 more passed before it could get all the way out of the shell... the mommas are still sitting on some eggs... how long can they sit? Will more hatch? Should I just let mommas do what their doing and wait it out? How long is too long? Mommas are eating and drinking with their 3 babies and going back to the nest and sitting so I don't feel like they are not getting enough nourishment... help!

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