Breeding Mealworm advice, please


Apr 13, 2020
I read the file on here for breeding mealworms, and I loved the idea of not having to separate the different life stages! I bought 1,000 mealworms from someone, used a 5 gal, have a 10 gal ready for when they start reproducing. I’ve seen pupae several times, but have only seen a couple beetles, always dead. I’ve since separated the pupae (see photo).

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong for the all in one tank. Maybe it just needs time to get sorted? I have 2-3” deep wheat brand (organic even), and I toss in slices of potato, and twice I’ve put in slices of red pepper.

It’s on a shelf in our living room, we’re in a pocket desert, so we’re not humid and we’re really cold. Had it only 3-ish weeks...

Help, please!


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We kind of did almost the exact same thing as you and ours aren't reproducing either. It doesn't seem as easy as everyone says it is.

I guess I feel a bit better that it’s not just me!

I keep getting pupae every day, and I’m stuck wondering if I should toss in the towel and feed all the worms I have or risk having them die at pupae stage and waste my whole investment 😕
I would keep with it for a bit longer. Maybe take some out and put them in a separate container with a different medium from the wheat? Maybe oats instead? We only started with a small amount of mealworms, so our investment was very little.
The beetles may not be "dead" when you find them. I started doing the same thing because paying $4 for 50 meal worms was getting to be ridiculous! I use wheat bran mixed with oats (mainly because when I started I did not buy enough bran and we had a surplus of oats in the house). Just be patient and soon you'll have more beetles that you know what to do with. I rotate feeding carrots and potatoes (all stuff from our garden we do not eat) and sometimes throw some fruit in.
The beetles may not be "dead" when you find them. I started doing the same thing because paying $4 for 50 meal worms was getting to be ridiculous! I use wheat bran mixed with oats (mainly because when I started I did not buy enough bran and we had a surplus of oats in the house). Just be patient and soon you'll have more beetles that you know what to do with. I rotate feeding carrots and potatoes (all stuff from our garden we do not eat) and sometimes throw some fruit in.

Thank you for sharing your experience! I definitely appreciate it
Hey, I might actually have something to contribute on this topic!

I've been breeding worms for about 2 years now, quite successfully. I have learned of the importance of hydration. If the worms pupate without enough hydration, they don't make it to the beetle stage. That, and cannabalism, are your most obvious signs that they're not getting enough hydration (assuming you're using a nutritional substrate). Mixing stages can also result in beetles eating pupa, esp if they're thirsty. I would say that it took at least 8 months until my worm farm felt like it was on course. If anyone is interested in seeing my set up, feel free to message me. It's pretty slick, imo.

Also, your beetles will reproduce faster with heat. I use a reptile heater mat to warm up the beetles and put them in the mood.
Hey, I might actually have something to contribute on this topic!

I've been breeding worms for about 2 years now, quite successfully. I have learned of the importance of hydration. If the worms pupate without enough hydration, they don't make it to the beetle stage. That, and cannabalism, are your most obvious signs that they're not getting enough hydration (assuming you're using a nutritional substrate). Mixing stages can also result in beetles eating pupa, esp if they're thirsty. I would say that it took at least 8 months until my worm farm felt like it was on course. If anyone is interested in seeing my set up, feel free to message me. It's pretty slick, imo.

Also, your beetles will reproduce faster with heat. I use a reptile heater mat to warm up the beetles and put them in the mood.
Very helpful! Can you write an article please?

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