Breeding ISA brown rooster to...?


Jan 13, 2023
Central NC
So, I have an accidental ISA brown roo. I also have an accidental exchequer leghorn (or mottled ancona idk) roo. I'm thinking I'm going to keep the ISA brown. I don't have a recent pic of him on hand but he is solid white with just a few brown specks at the ends of his wings. Are there any cool combos I could make with him that either:
a. are great layers; or
b. are aesthetically pleasing

Some hens I have are: Various polish, MMM Marans, Blue Splash Marans, various Cochins, Light Brahma, EE, Green Queens, Splash Ameraucana, Welsummer, Speckled Sussex, Swedish Flower, Egyptian Fayouomi, BLR Wyandotte, Gold and Silver laced Wyandottes, OE, and Meyer's Steele Egger. I do have ISA brown hens and a Golden buff as well.

Has anyone ever used an ISA roo for breeding?
I have never had ISA browns, but I have a mostly white rooster. My roo has passed along white area mixed with colors making some interesting crosses. My birds are so mixed I am long passed being able to predict chick outcomes.
What happened with this? Did you end up breeding the ISA Brown rooster to any of your hens? We have 3 ISA Brown hens that lay gorgeous dark brown eggs. By mistake, we ended up with a buff true -blue homozygous rooster (double copy of blue egg gene) and a cream F1 Olive Egger rooster....I'm considering breeding either of the 2 roosters to the ISA Brown hens because the entire group is cream/buff in feather color, but the eggs of the ISA Brown would be large and hues of green.

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