Boy are my arms tired!


My Patronus is a Chicken
11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
I am now milking a cow twice a week so that I can have fresh milk for us (I just missed it too much when we sold our goats). I skimmed off almost a quart of cream from what I got last night and I am attempting to make butter from it. All this shaking is really making my arms tired...
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WAIT A COTTON-PICKIN' MINUTE!!!! You're milking that cow 2 times per WEEK? And your arms are tired??? We have a heifer we plan to milk (if she can ever get a date), so I'll be milking her 2 times per DAY!! ~faints dead away~

Maybe we should just eat her.

I don't want Popeye arms.

Or do I? (Hmmmmmmm.........)
Here I was expecting a "just flew in from the coast" comment. You are much to serious this morning.
Are you milking someone else's cow? I thought cows had to milked twice a day or they bag up? Mastitis or is that just an udder infection not in relation to milking? Never had a cow-want one someday though, just going by what I've heard-someone correct me please!! Happy Easter!
mom'sfolly :

Here I was expecting a "just flew in from the coast" comment. You are much to serious this morning.

That's what I was thinking as I typed it

Eggs4Sale, my arms aren't tired from the milking, just from shaking a jar of cream to make butter. It's my hands that get tired from milking,

trilyn, we are participating in a kind of milk share at a local farm where we actually do the milking for our share. I have Saturday evening and Tuesday morning. She does have to be milked twice a day, I just don't have to do all those milkings (thank goodness!).

The result of my tired arms:
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