Botulism.. Marek’s disease?


Sep 17, 2020
So, I posted a few days ago about a five month old BR that seemed to be getting sick. I thought she was getting better.. thought maybe she was just adjusting to the cold temps or maybe was just about to start laying and was in a bit of pain. That’s definitely not the case. I went out to give the girls a treat this morning and make sure their water hadn’t froze over, and noticed my BR wobbling a lot. She would stand there picking at something, and then just kinda lean back and stumble. I’ll attach a couple videos. Her poop was also a bit runny, and didn’t look normal. She’s eating and drinking still, but I’m getting relatively worried... also not sure if I should be separating her from the others. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Videos of BR wobbling below. I put it on Reddit because That was the easiest way to attach it.



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It is not botulism or she would be paralyzed. It starts at the feet and quickly progresses up the spinal nerves to the wings, neck, and eyelids with flaccid paralysis. But Mareks is likely. I would start some vitamin B complex tablets 1/2 tablet daily crushed into food or a bit of water in case of a riboflavin deficiency. She is at the age for Mareks to show up unfortunately. She may get progressively worse, so I would separate her in a wire dog crate near the other chickens if they start picking on her or she cannot reach food and water. Some birds may lie down with one leg forward and one under or behind them. Mareks can be diagnosed with a necropsy and testing after death, but a pcr test for Mareks is done at a few labs around the country on some blood. Here is some reading about Mareks, but I hope that she doesn’t have that:
It is not botulism or she would be paralyzed. It starts at the feet and quickly progresses up the spinal nerves to the wings, neck, and eyelids with flaccid paralysis. But Mareks is likely. I would start some vitamin B complex tablets 1/2 tablet daily crushed into food or a bit of water in case of a riboflavin deficiency. She is at the age for Mareks to show up unfortunately. She may get progressively worse, so I would separate her in a wire dog crate near the other chickens if they start picking on her or she cannot reach food and water. Some birds may lie down with one leg forward and one under or behind them. Mareks can be diagnosed with a necropsy and testing after death, but a pcr test for Mareks is done at a few labs around the country on some blood. Here is some reading about Mareks, but I hope that she doesn’t have that:
Does it always mean death? I have liquid vitamin b-12 that I already started giving her.. is there anything else I might need that I would be able to get at a local tractor supply or something??
B12 is not what you need. B complex has all of the B vitamins including B12, but riboflavin (B2) is the one that is important for chicken leg health. Tractor Supply has some chick vitamins that contain riboflavin, but just check the label. Poultry NutriDrench does not have riboflavin. In the long run, human BComplex tablets may be less expensive, and you can use them yourself.,-tablets/ID=prod6149174-product

Mareks is usually fatal, although a few may recover within days, only to get the tumors associated with Mareks later. Many people have Mareks in their flocks, and still raise chickens. Also, I cannot diagnose Mareks, and that is why testing or a necropsy if you lose her, would be best.
So, I posted a few days ago about a five month old BR that seemed to be getting sick. I thought she was getting better.. thought maybe she was just adjusting to the cold temps or maybe was just about to start laying and was in a bit of pain. That’s definitely not the case. I went out to give the girls a treat this morning and make sure their water hadn’t froze over, and noticed my BR wobbling a lot. She would stand there picking at something, and then just kinda lean back and stumble.
What do you feed including treats?

I agree, I would give her B-Complex and see it that makes a difference.
What do you feed including treats?

I agree, I would give her B-Complex and see it that makes a difference.
Mannapro Flock Party, oats, some of their eggs that we can’t eat, veggies.. And they eat just about everything they can when they free range including birdseed, plants, pebbles, etc.
The Flock Party - are you feeding crumbles, pellets or one of the 'treats' in their line of products - a complete feed right?
No the DuMor is their main feed, and it’s mainly crumbles, through we had done pellets for a little while. The Flock Party are just treats and they’re usually mealworm, sunflower, raisin, crickets, corn kernels, and peanuts.

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