Bobby's Sausage Biscuits

allen wranch

Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Jan 11, 2007
San Marcos, TX
This recipe is for a large crowd, but you can easily make them for one or two using the small can of large biscuits and less of the other ingredients.

Bobby's Sausage Biscuits

1 lb. bulk sausage
12 eggs (or less)
1 pkg shredded cheese
2 cans large biscuits (not flakey or butter)

Preheat oven to 350°

Cook sausage until brown. Drain fat.

Beat eggs just until mixed and add to sausage in pan. Cook until eggs are almost set. Set aside.

Spray muffin pan with Pam.
Separate biscuits in half horizontally and place one half in muffin pan, pushing down and up the sides forming a cup. Repeat until half the biscuits are used.

Spoon some egg mixture in each biscuit cup. Top with shredded cheese. Place the other half of the biscuit on top and kinda form it around the egg mound.

Bake 10-15 minutes. Watch so they don't get too brown.

These are good to make ahead of time and use as a meal on the go.

I like to save time by cooking the sausage ahead of time and freezing it. You can also use bacon instead of the sausage, vary the cheeses, add other ingredients, etc. I have made them for my garden club using the mini-muffin pans and separating the biscuits into fourths.
Sounds like a keeper to me!!!

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