Bob White Quail Question


14 Years
May 16, 2008
North GA
My Mom got some BW Quail and she needs to know at what age you can let them out into the wild? Right now they are about 2 weeks old. Also, when can you tell they are male or female?

You really cant tell they are male or female till they are decently older. I forget when mine first started showing signs of male or female. As for releasing.... 6-8wks. As soon as they can fly and are fully feathered....make sure you get them use to the elements or environment they are going to live in before release....put the pen at release site....also set up a feed and water station for the birds.
Good Luck!
Thanks everyone you have been a big help, and thanks for the tip of putting feed and water out for them.

If you illegally introduce another species to an area, they can drive the native species out, transfer disease to them, or in some cases cross-breed rendering the originally species extinct.

Yes, we have a German Shorthair! Here's a pic of him:


He was a pound puppy, but he's a pretty good bird dog with no hunt training!

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