Blue Wyandotte egg color


16 Years
Dec 24, 2007
Northern California
Hi Everyone:

I have a rescued Blue Wynandotte. She is blind in one eye, but otherwise is doing well physically.

However, I don't know what kind of trauma she went through, as she is very skittish, and possibly for multiple good reasons.

She is young, according to you folks when I posted pictures, but I'm not sure she is laying? Does anyone know what color shell these birds lay, as I have several different breeds. Some I can identify easily, others are too similar.

Hi CascadiaRiver:

Thanks. Just wondering. I have two black Maran's that lay dark brown shelled eggs, a Plymouth Barred Rock that lays sort of a flesh shell color, two Wheaten Ameracanas that lay power blue shells, and an Easter Egger that lays dark green. There is another one, a light green that I'm just not sure about.

Thanks for the note,
So my blue Wyandotte lays a very light cream speckled egg, which I guess is out of the ordinary....

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