Bloody poop in 1 yo Rooster! Help!


10 Years
Jul 2, 2013
Michigan (USA)
I have a 1 year old cochin rooster who is having very dark red bloody stools today. More than just the passing of lining, actual blood in them. He is other ways in a very good mood and acting normal. Seems to have started just this morning and is progressing throughout the day. He does free range outside recently.

What could be wrong with him? Should I worm him?

What should I do about it?
I'd start with antibiotics.
Can't go wrong, at least I wouldn't think so.
Trying to bump you to the top.
Sorry I wasn't very helpful.
Yes older chickens can get cocci since there are at least 9 strains, and a new chicken brought into the flock can bring in a strain that an older chicken has not built up immunity for. If he is looking lethargic and hunched I would definitely treat him with Corid. Enteritis and some worms can also cause blood in stools, but I would start off by using Corid for 5 days--2 tsp of liquid or 1.5 tsp of powder Corid per gallon of water. Sulfadimethoxine will also treat cocci. Then you may want to worm him with Valbazen or SafeGuard.
Yes older chickens can get cocci since there are at least 9 strains, and a new chicken brought into the flock can bring in a strain that an older chicken has not built up immunity for. If he is looking lethargic and hunched I would definitely treat him with Corid. Enteritis and some worms can also cause blood in stools, but I would start off by using Corid for 5 days--2 tsp of liquid or 1.5 tsp of powder Corid per gallon of water. Sulfadimethoxine will also treat cocci. Then you may want to worm him with Valbazen or SafeGuard.
Thanks for your response!

Hes in a great mood and running around. I haven't had any new birds in in a long long time. Since hes not acting bad should I just worm him and not treat for cocci until he acts badly? or just start off with it anyway?
Try Aureomycin. You can purchase it at Tractor Supply for $7.00. My birds experienced the same thing when they began to mature. One died because I could not get the antibiotic in time. This is a fast disease and can contaminate other birds. Put .8 ounces of antibiotic for every 1 pound of feed. Hope they turn out okay. Do it as quickly as possible and wash your hands.

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