blood & plasma donation-a-thon suggestion


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Aug 8, 2019
Happily caught in the 'Denton vortex', Tx
My Coop
My Coop
One of my IRL friends from high school had a birthday thursday and on their FB thingy they asked for folks to consider donating plasma because that’s what is keeping them alive - quite literally.

So I kinda started adding up my donations since high school…. Here’s what I shared with them in FB-land:

You got me to thinking… I’ll bet that I have donated at least 4-5 gallons of blood as a minimum in my life. As for plasma donation….. I did to routinely 2x a week for a few semesters & a couple summers here at UNT, in Denton. So half a dozen gallons seems a reasonable assumption “off the top of my head” at this point.

They pointed out (later that afternoon) there is such a nationwide shortage of plasma donations that they have a severe “waiting list” & are prioritizing based on need …. And they said, “Sadly, I am on that list.”

So I’m thinking if we get out the word and maybe reach out to the Red Cross, Charter Bloodcare, or what have you ???? Am I being too Pollyanna here y’all to think we as a community have the potential to - nationwide - get a reasonable number of donations to occur? Maybe even in little pockets across the planet?

I’m O+ so I’ve long known they wish they could put a “tap” on my arm….:lau:pop
Is there an age limit on donation?
Well, my husband was almost to his 70th birthday when he did it. Your local Red Cross donation center will know. I think as long as you're healthy, it doesn't matter. Donating whole blood takes more out of you than donating plasma, because you get your red cells back when you donate plasma. Both are needed, and no big deal.
I’m O+ so I’ve long known they wish they could put a “tap” on my arm
I'm O+ too. A long (30 years) time ago, I was told I'd had a false positive test for Hep B. A subsequent test was negative, and they said they were deferring me as a donor. I was working on my second gallon of blood. I "sold my body" (donated plasma) a lot for the $$ in my early 20s when I was broke.

I wonder if I called, if they'd let me come back? I'd really like to do this again.

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