Blood on Poopboards

Alexandra Runner

Jun 26, 2023
Hello! So, I use poopboards in my coop, and when I went out this morning to scrape them off, there was blood in one spot. I'm not sure who was there, as I have thirty-nine roosting birds now. It looked almost as if someone had laid a shellless egg, but instead of a yolk, there was a gob of blood. Has anyone dealt with this before? I will post a picture as soon as I figure out how to.
And I'm about to be the one posting a note great photo. I'm sorry about its quality. This camera is not the best. Also, all of my birds are acting fine, and so far, I've seen no prolapsed vents on anybody.


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Hi! If you put the poop in water and it turns the water pink then it could be coccidia. You'll need to put corid in the water for 7 to 10 days. Worst case it's enteritis but I can't remember how to treat that.

Is anyone behaving off? Spend a few minutes with them today and observe everyone. Chickens hide disease well

@Wyorp Rock @azygous @Eggcessive
Thank you for responding! I threw it away yesterday, and there was no more of it today, but I will certainly do a water test if it happens again.
I probably spend more time in my run than my house, haha, and so far everyone is still acting normal. I'm going to start trying harder at night to find out where everyone roosts night by night. I read somewhere that they'll all sleep in the same spot on the roost every night, but so far, mine don't do that.
Thank you again!
Thank you for responding! I threw it away yesterday, and there was no more of it today, but I will certainly do a water test if it happens again.
I probably spend more time in my run than my house, haha, and so far everyone is still acting normal. I'm going to start trying harder at night to find out where everyone roosts night by night. I read somewhere that they'll all sleep in the same spot on the roost every night, but so far, mine don't do that.
Thank you again!
If you can go out at dawn they should still be roosting.
I had a girl prolapse last week (not bad at all, and she hasn't done it again; I've given her calcium citrate and D3 at least once a day, every day. She has laid several regular eggs since. I've been checking her vent at least every hour for the past week, except at night.) I have checked I'm pretty sure everyone else (it's hard to keep track!), but when I go out at dawn tomorrow, I will also check everyone as they go out the pop hole one-by-one.
I just got back inside from checking on everything. There was nothing off whatsoever on the poopboards, and I still checked everyone as they walked out, and none of them were prolapsed. Could this be just a one-time glitch of the system, or should I be concerned?

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