Blood on egg under broody. Dead?


Mar 8, 2022
Northern Colorado
It’s close to day 21 for at least a couple of my broody’s eggs (not sure, as a couple more eggs were “snuck” in by other birds before I marked them and separated her. Today when she was off the nest I noticed one had a hole in it. And a crack. It was cool to the touch, though not sure how long she was off the nest. No stink. As soon as I started investigating she hopped back in the nest, so not sure if the other eggs were cool.
If this was pipped, wouldn’t the egg be cracking out instead of in? I’m guessing she did this but having never hatched I’m not sure.

I put the bloody egg back under her in the same position and let it be. Should I try to candle it? Pull it? Think it’s dead?



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It's possible she poked the egg and hit a vein.
If I were you, I would take that egg inside right now and go into the closet where it's dark and candle it and look for movement.

Do you happen to have an incubator ready just in case she decides to go cuckoo and when an egg does start hatching?
As an update- went out to pull the egg to candle it and it was totally open with a dead chick inside. Anyone with experience know how far along this chick is? Think it died and then she cracked it? Or did the cracking likely cause the death? I’m so bummed. She’s still sitting on 4 but I’m so nervous to check on them. I know for sure she’s been sotting for 17-18 days so hopefully I’ll know if the others will hatch by later this week.


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And I do not have an incubator. This was a last minute decision to let her sit, since she was persistent, and we culled our only rooster. I guess if she doesn’t have any success, I’ll get her a couple day olds.

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