Black spots on rooster combs


7 Years
Apr 26, 2012
I am a new chicken owner and my 2 red roosters have developed black spots on their combs. One appears to be missing a few neck feathers too. Does anyone know what this is and how it should be treated. Thank you for any assistance.sistance!
There is a disease called 'fowl pox' that can cause black spots, but I strongly believe you have a couple fighters on your hands. Those look like dried blood spots and/or scabs.
Thank you for your reply. I have not seen them fighting but I suppose they could have. They do not appear to feel sick. They have been this way for a couple of days with not change. Do you think I should try to wash them to see if its blood?
wash it a bit with just warm water and a cloth and see if it is blood,and in that case try to separate them,because that means they are indeed fighting.good luck!
I have quaranteened my three roos, to give my hens a break since I'm not in need of fertile eggs right now anyway. They do pick at one another a bit. Not that aggresive though. Their combs develop these same black spots from time to time, and I am almost positive it's blood. Mine isn't as covered as yours is though.

I would separate.
all of my roosters developed this condition a few days ago and upon close inspection, there are tiny bugs, that look like flies, full of blood, on their combs. i'm thinking of putting vasoline on them; would that help or hinder? the hens don't have the mites.
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I think they are gnats!! We have the same problem, and the roosters scratch at their combs to get the gnats off, and only succeed in making themselves bleed and attracting MORE gnats!!

I have the Exact same problem with my rooster. The black stuff looks sticky. My boy doesn't look this bad...but it doesn't seem to be fowl pox, cause they aren't scabs. And he's the ONLY roo, so no one should be fighting with him! He's had them before, and then it just goes away. Except this time it seems to be More! But only on his comb! And I tried to click on the link that that person posted, but it doesn't work....I wanted to know what it was about so I could go look for myself! Thank you!
I am a new chicken owner and my 2 red roosters have developed black spots on their combs. One appears to be missing a few neck feathers too. Does anyone know what this is and how it should be treated. Thank you for any assistance.sistance!

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