Black Sex Link Possibly Laying Blue/Green Eggs?


May 12, 2022
Last year, I got some chickens from North40, including black sex links, who just started laying recently. I noticed some very round blue/green ish eggs and though it differed a bit in color from my regular EE eggs, I assumed it was from one of my new EEs. However, today I collected an egg from that box from a random hen, and my black sex link goes into said box immediately. About ten to fifteen minutes later, said hen comes out of the box doing that classic egg song. I went to collect the egg, opening it to reveal that same, round blue/green-ish egg I previously mentioned. Obviously, this took me by surprise. And while I’m aware it’s possible that another hen went in there and layed an egg in my short absence, I think it’s very unlikely as our chickens are free ranged and there were no other colored layers around that i saw. The box they’ve deciding to lay in right now is of course an amazon box on my porch… classic chickens, but my point is that it was right next to my window, so it would usually be very easy for me to see or hear anyone fighting over the box, which I didn’t. I’d also like to add that another member of my household asked me if that same chicken lays green eggs as they saw her leave the nesting box supposedly leaving that egg behind, but I brushed it off saying it must be someone else’s. Now, I’m thinking I may not be so sure. So, is it possible for a black sex link to lay colored eggs?? Everything in me wants to say no, but I’m no expert, so really, what do I know? Anyways, I’ll include some pictures of her and the eggs for you guys to judge if she’s actually a black sex link, because if I get more of a confirmation that it’s her laying the eggs, she may not be a black sex link after all. But she certainly did look like one as a baby and currently does as well! But again, what do I know? Anyone’s opinion or experience would be appreciated!


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I could find no black sex links on North40's webpage. I have no idea what is going on with their chicks or where they get them. I have no idea what kind of quality control is maintained at wherever facility the eggs that hatch into the chicks they sell are laid or the chicks hatched. So that was a dead end.

A black sex link is a chicken that has a barred mother and a not-barred father. They don't even have to be black but many are. There is nothing genetic that relates to a black sex link and egg shell color.

Why do you think she is a black sex link? I assume somebody told you. By looking I can't tell that she is a black sex link, she is just a black hen. It looks like she has some gold leakage so she could be a cross of some type.

By all means try dumping some food coloring in her vent until you determine if she is laying that egg or not. I'm sure many of us are now curious, it's not just you. But that won't tell you if she is a black sex link or not, just that she is a black hen that lays a blue/green egg.
Thank you everybody for your advice and replies, and I’m sorry I’m getting back to this post so late!

I was going to do the food coloring test that was mentioned, which was really smart, but I saw her in her box earlier and was able to actually watch her lay the egg herself, and the green eggs are in fact her’s!
I could find no black sex links on North40's webpage. I have no idea what is going on with their chicks or where they get them. I have no idea what kind of quality control is maintained at wherever facility the eggs that hatch into the chicks they sell are laid or the chicks hatched. So that was a dead end.

A black sex link is a chicken that has a barred mother and a not-barred father. They don't even have to be black but many are. There is nothing genetic that relates to a black sex link and egg shell color.

Why do you think she is a black sex link? I assume somebody told you. By looking I can't tell that she is a black sex link, she is just a black hen. It looks like she has some gold leakage so she could be a cross of some type.

By all means try dumping some food coloring in her vent until you determine if she is laying that egg or not. I'm sure many of us are now curious, it's not just you. But that won't tell you if she is a black sex link or not, just that she is a black hen that lays a blue/green egg.

I believe she is a black sex link because that’s what she was sold to me as from the store, but as you stated previously, I have no idea about North40’s quality control or anything of the sort. So, that could incorrect, it could be possible she’s a cross of some sort.

As I stated in my most recent reply to this post, I was able to see her lay her egg a bit earlier, so at least I know for sure now that said egg is her’s! Lol.
Break out the lipstick! Can we see your other birds?

I got some pictures to get you before we figured out the egg was for sure her’s, but I’ll put them here anyways. 😂

Or at least, this was most of them.


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I believe she is a black sex link because that’s what she was sold to me as from the store, but as you stated previously, I have no idea about North40’s quality control or anything of the sort. So, that could incorrect, it could be possible she’s a cross of some sort.
Could have been mixed up at the hatchery, but more likely at the farm store.

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